The power of the Earth for our health.
The study of nature as the use of alternative therapies is lovely and rewarding because it reveals many simple means to restore and maintain good health.
Geoterapia is the technique of using Clay and mud to improve health and many diseases. The therapeutic use of Clay has outstanding properties: it is refreshing and anti-inflammatory.
It may seem strange, but in some cases, it is possible to administer it orally. Moreover, the best-known way is by poultices and compressing externally. Unfortunately, people who seek complicated and expensive remedies usually neglect those offered by Mother Nature, which are more beneficial and straightforward in many cases.
Many are becoming familiar with the healing properties of various foods, herbs, water, fresh air, exercise, sun, temperance, and trust in God in this modern era. However, until now, very few know about the wonders of the Earth. same
Let us see a little more about the properties of Clay.
One of the most significant properties of Clay is its extraordinary absorption power. Clay has a unique power to attract impurities and toxins from the human body simply because the Clay is electro-negative, and the impurities and toxins are electro-positive.
Clay also provides our bodies with traces of minerals that pass from the skin to the bloodstream. This happens with the application of an external plaster.
Clay is a beneficial substance that provides vital energy for the human body. The more we expose ourselves with the Clay to sunlight and the air, the more powerful rainwater becomes. Due to its absorption capacity, Clay is still used in the petroleum industry to purify oils.
How should Clay be used?
Clay can be applied in various forms, such as poultices, dust, and baths, when used externally.
The Clay is antiseptic (to prevent decay or putrefaction), healing (promotes wound healing), anti-inflammatory (relieves and prevents inflammation), anti-carcinogenic (cleanses cancer cells), emollient (softens and calms skin), coolant (cools and reduces body heat), and cosmetics (improves skin texture).
Taken internally, Clay is a powerful detoxifier, especially bentonite clay, which can absorb heavy metals such as mercury, arsenic, lead, and tin. Clay also provides minerals and trace elements. Clay has colloidal properties that remove toxins and harmful substances from the body.
What is the correct Clay?
There are wide varieties of Clay with different colors depending on the chemical composition of the soil. For example, the most common clays on the market are green, white, gray, yellow, red, blue, black, and pink.
Generally, green Clay is recommended to apply externally and take; white bentonite clay is also recommended for the detoxification of heavy metals. The red Clay is ideal for a facial mask of purification; it is very efficient, depending on your skin type.
You can always mix any Clay with herbs, fruits or vegetable juice, extracts, or olive oil to improve the performance and action of the Clay.
How should it be applied?
With a wooden spoon, a uniform layer of half an inch of Clay is spread over the area to be treated. Do not smooth the surface; the Clay is installed naturally when put in its place.