What is Alopathic Medicine: How It Works and Medical Procedure

Definition: allopathic medicine has a focus, based on biology, on the diagnosis of diseases and treatment of injuries.

The great popularity of allopathic medicine is associated with the recent increase in scientific research and the discovery of vaccines and curative drugs.

Medicine is initially based on magic, religion, and empirically proven home remedies. As magic and religion declined during the Middle Ages in Europe, medicine sought a new basis.

It had to be something that could impress patients, a substitute for incantations and incense that gave the impression that the healer was doing something.

The answer was the principle of allopathy, which had developed in the Middle East around the first century BC. The idea was simple: When the organism’s functioning deviated from the ordinary, the doctor had to treat the person directly to restore normal function.

For example, if a man had a fever, the temperature had to be lowered, and if he was constipated, he was given a laxative.

The diseases were seen as something toxic that had to be eliminated, so the allopathic medicines were focused on the cleaning of poisons in the body, which led to treatments with leeches, enemas, bleeding, purgatives, and so on, in order to eliminate tumors, infections, bacteria, and cancer cells.

Pasteur’s discoveries led to the development of allopathy, a scientific basis for at least some of his remedies. The germs offered a good target for allopathic treatments, so the battlefield changed to microbial wars.

Allopathic doctors usually do the following:

  • Diagnosis and treatment of injuries and illnesses in patients.
  • Examine patients.
  • Review the medical records.
  • Prescribe medications.
  • Sort, perform and interpret diagnostic tests.