It is a synergistic combination of French pine bark extract and olive extract.
It is a powerful antioxidant that recycles vitamin C + E and endogenous antioxidant systems (SOD, catalase, and glutathione).
It supports healthy circulation by improving capillary integrity and stimulating the release of vascular endothelial nitric oxide (eNO). It is an olive extract rich in cardioprotective antioxidants such as tyrosol, hydroxytyrosol, and verbascosides.
A chlorinated bisphenol antiseptic with bacteriostatic action against Gram-positive organisms, but much less effective against Gram-negative organisms. It is used primarily in soaps and creams and is an ingredient in various preparations used for skin disorders.
Oedipal consists of Diosmin/hesperidin.
Diosmina (vedipal)
A fixed micronized combination of the citrus bioflavonoids diosmin (90%) and hesperidin (10%) is widely used in Europe to treat blood vessels and lymphatic system diseases. The most substantial evidence supports its use in hemorrhoids.
The combination also appears to benefit chronic venous insufficiency and venous stasis ulcers. Extensive safety evaluations have found Diosmin / Hesperidin free of toxicological risk.
Patients interested in trying this treatment may have trouble finding it; At the time of publication, Diosmin / Hesperidin is challenging to obtain in the US. This may reportedly change soon.
Common uses of medical
- Hemorrhoids.
- Chronic venous insufficiency/stasis ulcers.
- Fragile capillary.
- Lymphedema
A 2-month, double-blind trial found that the severity and frequency of hemorrhoidal exacerbations significantly decreased recurrent hemorrhoid outbreaks in 120 individuals.
Another double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 100 individuals found that the same bioflavonoid preparation relieved symptoms once hemorrhoid pain was exacerbated.
The benefits of diosmin/hesperidin could be seen in 100 individuals with bleeding hemorrhoids in a 90-day double-blind trial.
This combination of bioflavonoids was found in another trial to compare favorably with rubber band ligation.
However, in a trial where both treated and placebo groups received soluble fiber, the intergroup differences were minor.
Two studies claimed that diosmin/hesperidin reduces pain after hemorrhoid surgery. Unfortunately, the researchers did not provide their control groups with a placebo, and therefore the results are not reliable.
Chronic venous insufficiency / stasis ulcers
A fixed micronized combination of the citrus bioflavonoids diosmin and hesperidin is widely used in Europe to treat various venous conditions. There is significant (if not entirely consistent) evidence for this use.
A 2-month, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of diosmin/hesperidin found that treatment with diosmin/hesperidin for patients suffering from severe chronic venous insufficiency significantly improved symptoms compared to placebo in 200 individuals.
Another double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of diosmin / hesperidin recruited 101 individuals with relatively mild chronic venous insufficiency.
There was little difference between the results of both groups, so the authors believe that diosmin/hesperidin is generally more effective in the more severe and advanced stages of the disease.
A 2-month, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 107 people with non-scarring venous stasis ulcers found that diosmin/hesperidin significantly improved the cure rate.
One study purportedly showed the supplement oxyrutin to be more effective than diosmin/hesperidin for chronic venous insufficiency, but this was an open-label study with non-randomized participants and therefore shows little or nothing.
Fragile capillary
A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 96 individuals with fragile capillaries (resulting in symptoms such as easy bruising and frequent epistaxis) found that a combination of diosmin and hesperidin decreased the tendency for capillary breakage.
A double-blind trial that followed 94 people with upper limb lymphedema after breast cancer therapy found no significant difference between the groups. However, the most severely affected subgroup reported clinical evidence of benefit.
Mechanism of action
Like operations, diosmin/hesperidin appears to increase venous tone and normalize capillary permeability.
A typical dose of micronized diosmin/hesperidin is 500 mg twice daily.
Issues security
Micronized diosmin/hesperidin has undergone an extensive safety evaluation and appears to be essentially free of toxicological risk.
The maximum safe doses in individuals with severe liver or kidney disease are unknown.