It is a Chinese therapeutic technique that is based on the same principles and knowledge of energy meridians in acupuncture and shiatsu worked together.
Moxibustion treats imbalances by applying heat points in the human body, helping to eliminate and clean energy blockages and restore healthy flow.
The MoxaMoxa is prepared from the artemisia (Artemisia vulgaris and artemisia Sinensis), a common perennial herb. Its aromatic leaves are washed, dried, crushed, and sieved several times until they soften and become a uniform mass, similar to a vegetable cream. After this preparation can be molded in different ways for use: as wool, pressed (toothpick), spiral, adhesive (cones), thin laminate (cigarette) with resin coating (earphone), without smoke (with coal), aromatic (with charcoal). The most common is the form of canes and cones.
Nowadays, it is no secret that nature heals and balances everything, whereas plants have strength and power. The history of traditional medicine began with the use of plants and roots. It has been encapsulated and transformed through a chemical process with evolution and technological progress. Sometimes, it even destroys the true energy potential of the plant; even so, it remains one of the most used applications and treatment models.
In Moxibustion, the heat is highly acute. It is very effective when there are problems in the circulation, regulating body temperature and humidity, and a Yang deficiency. When applied to acupuncture points on specific disabilities, the body absorbs heat to quickly recover the Qi (energy) of the body and the Yang source of all the warmth and power of the body, “ministerial fire.”
The application of the MoxaMoxa directly on the Skin (direct method) must be skinny, so it can be kneaded and molded with the hands in small cones, which must be firm and not undone, of indirect use (do not touch the Skin) It is not necessary to be thin, as it is tightly wound in a particular paper of about 15 cm long, you can add other dry plants, to form a “tobacco,” which is what will heat the points or body areas.
The moxauma technique widely used in China today is the burning MoxaMoxa, which is used to heat large body areas. For longer, the MoxaMoxa is placed in a tubular instrument, the moxa combustion section is left at a distance from the Skin, and heat is transmitted directly. As with all therapies that use these methods, Moxibustion must be a little careful and precautions that any professional should know.
Moxa acts as a powerful disinhibitor and great muscle relaxant of immediate effect in menstrual cramps, inflamed sciatic nerve, tendonitis, bursitis, rhinitis, bronchitis, rheumatism, etc., migraines, and other conditions.
- Regulate Qi and blood.
- It helps in anemia, stress, and mental and physical fatigue.
- It opens the twelve channels (meridians) of central power.
- Strengthening convalescence, chronic weaknesses (fatigue) by obstruction of cold and humidity.
- It expels cold and moisture and causes work disorders.
- It minimizes the discomfort of aging and promotes healthy longevity.
- Transmit minimalist perverse energy.
- Increase the power of defense.
- Realinea gynecological disorders and sexual disorders.
- Help treat problems such as asthma, bronchitis, and allergies.
- It is also beneficial in digestive conditions such as abdominal pain, indigestion, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.
- It helps the cauterization of warts.
- It helps relieve diseases of the osteoarticular system, arthritis, and spinal problems.
- It can be applied in situations where it is impossible to use needles.
Contraindications of Moxibustion
Its use is not recommended in:
- In the treatment of problems related to fever.
- Traumatic injuries to the Skin.
- In cases of psychological issues.
- Close to the genital areas, nipples, scalp, and face.
- In children, their application must be carefully evaluated by professionals.
- In very unhealthy people.