It is used for tissue inflammations, gynecological infections, hemorrhoids, and other conditions. It restores the physiological barrier of defense and prevents the proliferation of bacteria.
Before using Policresulen, tell your doctor about your current list of medications, over-the-counter products (e.g., vitamins, herbal supplements, etc.), allergies, pre-existing conditions, and current conditions (e.g., pregnancy, upcoming surgery, etc.).
Some health conditions may make you more susceptible to the side effects of the medication. Take as directed by your doctor or follow the address printed on the product leaflet. The dose is based on your condition. Tell your doctor if your condition persists or worsens.
The essential points of advice are listed below:
- Consult your doctor if an allergic reaction occurs.
- It must be used in undiluted form.
Side effects
The following is a list of possible side effects in medicines containing Policresulen.
These side effects are possible, but they do not always occur. Some of the side effects can be rare but serious. Consult your doctor if you notice any of the following side effects, especially if they do not go away:
- The sensation of a foreign body in the uterus.
- Upset in the lower abdomen.
- Vaginal irritation
- Vaginal dryness and allergic reactions.
It can also cause side effects not mentioned here.
Interactions with other medications
If you use other drugs or over-the-counter products simultaneously, the effects of Policresulen can change. This can increase your risk of side effects or make your medication not work correctly.
Tell your doctor about all the medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements you are using, so you can help prevent or control drug interactions.
Hypersensitivity to Policresulen is a contraindication. Also, it should not be used if you have the following conditions:
- Hypersensitivity
- Lactation.
- The pregnancy.
Gynecological precautions
They should be avoided or used only with additional precautions in the following conditions:
If you are allergic to Policresulen or any other similar medication. The allergy symptoms are:
- Acne.
- Skin itch.
- Redness of the skin.
- Swelling of the face
- Swelling of the neck
- Swelling of the tongue
- Difficulty breathing.
Allergies can cause anaphylactic shock, which can be fatal.
If you notice any allergy symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.
Suppose you have your menstrual period. In this period, you should avoid the use of vaginal suppositories.
Pregnant or breast-feeding
- Its use is not recommended in patients under 18 years and postmenopausal women.
- Avoid sexual intercourse for seven days after using vaginal suppositories.
- These suppositories can cause the ejection of damaged and dead tissue from the vagina, and it is necessary to use pads to avoid irritation of the vagina.
Policresulene vaginal suppositories are not recommended for application during pregnancy and lactation. It can be applied only if the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the child.
It can stimulate contractions and cause premature labor, mainly if it is applied in the last 12 weeks.
It is not recommended to breastfeed while using this medication.
How to use the suppository?
Policresulene vaginal suppositories are generally applied in the following ways:
- One vaginal suppository every two days for 7-14 days.
- They are intended for use in the vagina. It is best to apply vaginal suppositories at bedtime to avoid dropping suppositories.
- Vaginal suppositories can be moistened slightly with water to facilitate retraction in the vagina.