Also known as carob (lat. Ceratonia siliqua), it is a perennial Mediterranean tree where edible legumes grow.
It is highly valued due to its healing properties.
Regardless of size and storage conditions, Legumes containing seeds always have the same mass, exactly 0.18 grams.
It is known that the Rogac or carob tree was used 4000 years ago in diets and as a medicinal product.
Rogac Features
The carob tree’s fruit is a pod, technically a legume 15 to 30 centimeters long and quite thick and wide. The pods are borne on the old stems of the plant on short flower stalks.
Most carob trees are monoecious, with individual male and female flowers.
The dark brown pods are edible and rich in sucrose (almost 40% plus other sugars) and protein (up to 8%).
In addition, the capsule has vitamin A, B vitamins, and several essential minerals.
Cattle can eat them directly, but we know that carob is mainly due to the pods being ground to form flour that substitutes for cocoa.
Although this product has a slightly different taste than chocolate, it has only a third of the calories (1595 calories per pound), and it is practically fat-free (the chocolate is half fat).
It is also rich in pectin, is not allergic, has abundant protein, and does not have oxalic acid, which interferes with the absorption of calcium.
Consequently, carob flour is widely used in health foods to flavor chocolate.
An excellent polysaccharide pod (mucilaginous, odorless, tasteless, and colorless) can also be obtained from the pod and is now used in many products.
There are also several medicinal uses for the plant, and singers used to chew the husks of the pod in the belief that this clears the throat and voice.
Carob pods were an important source of sugar before sugar cane, and sugar beets were widely available.
The carob, dried or roasted and with a slightly sweet taste, in powder or chip form, is used as an ingredient in cakes and cookies. Carob is sometimes used as a substitute for chocolate.
The seeds, also known as prawns, are used as animal feed. They are also the source of locust bean gum, a thickening agent used in many processed foods.
Nutritional benefits of Rogac
Rogac is rich in calcium, potassium, copper, and riboflavin.
It contains vitamin E and groups of vitamin B, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, and selenium in small amounts.
It contains tannins and tartaric acid analgesic, antiseptic, antibacterial, antioxidant, and antiviral. Children who consume carob in nutrition rarely get sick with digestive problems.
This was also confirmed by a study in which the babies were treated with diarrhea and conventional medication.
A group of babies treated with a carob began to recover for two days, while the group of conventional drugs recovered twice as long.
The first group also normalized body temperature and weight more quickly. Due to its valuable composition and therapeutic activity, carob is suitable for feeding babies older than six months.
Dried carob is a healthy and sweet alternative to gum when teeth grow. In studies, it has been shown to prevent uterine cancer and is also recommended to avoid lung cancer.
Traditional medicinal uses and health benefits
As explained above, Rogac or carob has analgesic, antiallergic, antibacterial, and antiseptic effects and contains essential antioxidants.
It contains large amounts of potassium and copper, as well as riboflavin, rich in vitamin E, phosphorus, and calcium, and due to the high proportion of these elements, carob increases the health of teeth and bones.
In this sense, the risk of osteoporosis is reduced. In addition, they contain groups of vitamin B and iron, magnesium, manganese, and selenium in smaller amounts.
It improves digestion and lowers cholesterol levels in the blood. It is used to treat diarrhea, cough, and sore throat.
It was used as a significant source of sugar before the mass rearing of sugar beets, and today it is often used as a healthy substitute for chocolate and cocoa.
Since it does not contain caffeine, it is suitable for people with high blood pressure.
Protects the heart and blood vessels
This product is rich in polyphenols, which have a strong antioxidant effect.
Due to their specific biological activity, they protect the heart and blood vessels.
Regulates blood sugar
It can regulate the sugar level in the blood, which is why its healing properties are used to treat diabetes.
When food that has a high glycemic index is inserted into the body, the carob tree reduces it, which prevents high blood sugar.
Normalizes digestion
Because it contains tannins and fiber, carob normalizes digestion and is used as natural antidiabetic medicine.
Rogac creates a protective layer on the mucous membrane, relieves irritation and inflammation, facilitates digestion, cleanses the intestine, and releases toxins from the body.
Lowers cholesterol
According to many studies, a carob tree as an anti-cholesterol medicine provides excellent results.
This swan can lower the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and normalize the ratio between good and bad cholesterol.
Every morning, on an empty stomach, take a tablespoon of ground cranberry, dissolve it slowly in your mouth, and then swallow.
Other medicinal properties of carob
- Prevents wrinkles.
- Stimulates coughing and helps with asthma.
- Strengthens the immune system.
- It works against allergies.
- Reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
- Prevents infantile paralysis.
Recipes to improve health
It has against the drop.
Composition: 2 pods of Rogac 3 DCL of water.
Preparation: break the carob pods into smaller pieces and boil three dcl of water.
Tea should be best cooked at night and allowed to steep in the morning. Repeat the procedure for 20 to 25 days. It is tested to reduce blood urate by more than 100 units.
Tea strengthens the digestive system
Composition: 5 grams of carob, one dcl of water.
Preparation: on a light fire, cook five grams of carob and let it rest for an hour.
Do not tie the tea; let the moody pieces remain in it to continue releasing the medicinal ingredients. Drink before meals two or three times a day per deciliter.