Fertile Days To Get Pregnant:

What are the most fertile days to get pregnant easily?

What is known as the fertile window  is the best time to get pregnant, it has been defined as the days of the menstrual cycle in which sexual intercourse is more likely to result in pregnancy. This fertile window extends up to 6 days from 5 days before ovulation , until the day of ovulation. Your fertile days are 4-5 days before and the day of ovulation, or 2 days before.

Sexual relations the day after ovulation has been established that is unlikely to improve your chances of getting pregnant , meaning that, making love after ovulation the likelihood of getting pregnant is almost zero.

Increasing amounts of estrogen in a woman’s cervical mucus and reproductive tractabout ovulation generally allow sperm to live for up to 6 days.

Couples who try to get pregnant are told in advance to have sex once every two days during their fertile days. Recent studies have shown that for the average couple who are trying to conceive the best time to get pregnant they should make love regularly 2-3 times a week since you do not know exactly when the exact fertile days are for the woman to be able to become pregnant .

You can improve your chances if you have sex once a day (as long as the sperm is good) during the fertile days 4-5 days before and the day of ovulation. In such exceptional circumstances, when the man does not have enough sperm ( oligospermia), the old rule once every two days is still valid.