Modern diets are very attractive because they have quick effects. Although these diets have a short-term solution, are they really recommendable?
A drastic diet is not very easy to follow, since it affects many aspects of life. They produce irritability, mood swings and sometimes even depression due to lack of food, not including other aspects such as weakness.
Losing a lot of weight in a short time is a sign that the diet is too severe or excessive energy expenditure is being induced in relation to the food consumed, both scenarios are dangerous and in the long run they pass bills.
Problems with the drastic diet
The main problems that occur with weight loss in a short time following a drastic diet are:
Many drastic diets are based on the loss of fluids creating a false impression of weight loss, because as soon as you return to a normal food intake, these fluids are recovered by the body.
These are the cases of diets with fasting practice and those very low in calorie consumption.
These important losses of water in the body have serious consequences at the renal and cardiovascular level due to the high percentage of water content in the human body and in the blood.
If dehydration occurs, the blood becomes dense, presenting problems in blood pressure, circulation and problems to regulate body temperature.
Chronic fatigue
Chronic fatigue is a symptom that the diet is restricting nutrients in considerable quantities and the activities normally performed by the organism are very affected.
The nervous system is affected since the abrupt weight losses drive the parasympathetic nervous system, the body tries to save energy and produces that feeling of fatigue.
The hypothalamus, as the regulating center of functions such as appetite, sleep or emotions, is also altered. What produces changes in mood and depression.
A drastic loss in weight leads to a loss of muscles, which is protective of the joints and bones.
If the muscles are weak and we continue doing physical exercises with the same intensity, injuries can occur.
Bones become weaker due to lack of nutrients, thus increasing the chances of fractures.
Rebound effect of the drastic diet
Lowering and gaining weight drastically can cause damage to the body, some of these damages are summarized in:
- Physical deterioration: Losses of weight cause flaccidity, deterioration of the skin, significant loss of muscle mass and fatigue.
- Diseases: Drastic changes from one diet to another can cause diabetes, tachycardia and nervous problems.
- Slow metabolism : The metabolism in the face of a lack of food reacts by saving reserves and will become slow, as a method of survival, once the normal food intake is returned, the body is on alert, so it will not process quickly recovering at the end all the kilos lost.
- Problems with the organs: With a drastic diet the heart receives less amount of blood, which originates an effort to fulfill its function. The kidneys and the brain may also be affected.
Weight loss can turn into a nightmare and appear eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia.
To prevent weight loss from becoming an obsession we must take into account the following:
Losing weight requires perseverance, weight loss should be done gradually.
Losing between one and two kilos a week is ideal, it causes a progressive decrease in weight, without requiring a drastic restriction of calories giving the body time to gradually adapt to changes.
This is achieved with the improvement of eating habits and daily exercise .
Chewing well makes food easier to digest and allows better absorption of nutrients.
Chewing food cheats the brain, taking more time to chew, the brain passes the information that it is eating and the feeling of hunger disappears.
More Green and less Fat
The daily diet should have more servings of vegetables, fruits and less fat and carbohydrates. This helps in the gradual loss of weight.
Due to the lack of fat the metabolism uses stored lipid reserves in the form of fat in the body, causing a gradual weight loss.
Eat small portions
To achieve a gradual weight loss, you should eat six to eight meals a day in small portions with high protein and fiber content.
Three main daily meals and in the middle of each meal drink tea, a yogurt, a sandwich, a fruit.
This helps reduce the intake of the main meals. Smaller portions will allow the body to digest and absorb food more easily.