Zone Diet: How to Do it, Blocks, Benefits, Program Components, Nutrition Pyramid, Supplements and Menu

It can not be defined as a diet but as a nutritional concept.

A concept based on balancing meals to improve the hormonal response in the next five hours and control the body’s inflammation.

The diet of the area seeks to reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation is why individuals gain weight, get sick and age faster.

Proponents of this diet claim that once inflammation is reduced, fat will be lost faster.

This will reduce the rate of aging, reduce the risk of chronic diseases and improve the body’s performance.

The diet of the Zone is the physiological state of the body where the hormones that serve to control the silent inflammation are kept in a zone of balance (hence the name).

In this diet, food is considered as if it were a medicine that is administered at the correct dose and at the right time.


The diet of the area is straightforward to follow. Only carbohydrates, proteins, and fats should be combined in a ratio of forty-thirty-thirty.

It is recommended to start with the block method to become familiar with the proportions and follow the diet, obtaining better results.

How to make the diet of the area – methods of measurement

In this diet, there are two methods of measurement: The visual method and blocks.

In the first method, the measuring tools are the eye and the hand; your hand is used to determine the size of each portion.

The five fingers are the number of meals that must be made per day and the maximum number of hours without eating.

On the other hand, the eye is used to estimate the quantity of the portions.

In the area’s diet, the dish is divided into three equal parts placing the protein in one the thirds; this protein will be the size of the palm, not counting the fingers, of the individual who follows the diet.

This measure is equivalent to about 150 g for men and 100 g in the case for women; meat is heavy when it is still raw.

In the case of vegans, this protein is equivalent to tofu or soy products, which mimic meat.

In the case of vegetarians, the protein source can include sources with egg and dairy contents and all plant-based foods that contain proteins.

The other two-thirds of the plate is filled with the volume equivalent to two grips of carbohydrates such as salads and vegetables.

By having a higher content of antioxidants, in addition to that, they provide a lower amount of glucose, and it is completed by choosing a portion of fruit as a dessert.

If we choose rice or pasta as a carbohydrate instead of vegetables, only one-third of the dish is filled, or the equivalent of a fist, and the remaining third of the word would be empty, mainly the fruit.

Finally, the monounsaturated fat is added as dressing for the salads and to prepare the proteins.

The recommended proteins are mainly extra virgin olive oil, and the recommended amount is one tablespoon.

You can consume avocado and nuts within these fats, such as peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, etc.

Once they have gone from 3 to 4 hours, they do not feel hungry and better concentrate because they have stabilized blood sugar levels.

Blocks in the diet of the area

In the block method, the area’s diet is personalized to each individual by calculating the grams of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats consumed per day.

The number of blocks in the area’s diet will depend on the weight, height, and measurements of the waist and hip.

The main meals, such as breakfast, lunch, or dinner, are three to five blocks of Zone, and the snack contains only one Zone block.

The set of the blocks of Zone is composed of a partnership with proteins, an alliance with fats, and a coalition with carbohydrates, thus:

  • A coalition of proteins: Contains 7 grams.
  • Block of carbohydrates: Contains 9 grams.
  • Fat block: Contains 1.5 grams.

Calculating what should be consumed daily or what in this diet has been called the set of blocks must be considered, among other factors.

What are the% of body fat and muscle mass, and what type of physical activity is done.

To know what is the number of blocks of food that should be consumed daily, they are established first according to sex:

Usually, most women are established several 11 blocks and men 14 blocks.

Regarding the schedule and the number of meals, should take into account the following:

  • At least five meals a day should be consumed, of which three are primary, and two are snacks.
  • It would help if you had breakfast first thing in the morning when you wake up.
  • Do not let more than 3 to 4 hours pass in the interval of each meal.
  • You should drink between 1.5 to 2 L of water per day.
  • It must be taken into account that the diet must contain a high content of being rich in antioxidants and omega three fatty acids.

Benefits of the diet of the area

Among the benefits that are obtained with the diet of the area are:

  1. Inflammation is controlled at the level of the body’s cells due to the balance in the glucose and insulin levels and the proinflammatory eicosanoids.
  2. You experience a rapid loss of weight, healthily, without stopping eating, and without fatigue.
  3. A strengthening of the body is guaranteed, and the health of the skin, hair, and nails is improved.
  4. It increases the body’s antioxidant capacity and helps eliminate free radicals, which are responsible for the aging of cells.
  5. It guarantees the perfect functioning of the immune system in the body.
  6. They help in the prevention and alleviation of chronic diseases. And it contributes to mental health, physical health, and emotional health.

Components of the diet program in the area

There are five components of the area’s diet program that are interrelated: Food, omega 3, polyphenols, exercises, and supplements.

Nutritional pyramid

There is water at the base of the food pyramid.

Based on the water content of the human body and therefore the need to consume a lot of water to maintain hydration levels.

The other step is the fruits and vegetables, the source of polyphenols. The following contains proteins, low-fat meats, and proteins of vegetable origin: Tofu and soy.

Then it is placed in monounsaturated fat, such as olive oil, canola, walnuts, avocado, and others.

And finally, at the top of the pyramid, there are cereals like bread and pasta, which should be consumed in moderation.

Recommended foods

The protein options in the diet of the area are:

  • Pork, lamb, veal, and lean beef.
  • Chicken and turkey breast without skin.
  • All the fish and seafood.
  • The protein is of vegetable origins, such as tofu and soy products.
  • The egg whites
  • Dairy products, cheeses, and low-fat yogurt.

The diet of the area recommends choosing a type of monounsaturated fat, among these options:

  • Avocado.
  • Nuts include macadamia, peanuts, cashews, almonds, or pistachios.
  • Peanut butter.
  • Tahini.
  • Canola, sesame, peanut, and olive oils

For carbohydrates, you should choose vegetables with a low glycemic index and some fruits:

  • Fruits: Strawberries, apples, plums, oranges, and others
  • Vegetables: Onions, cucumbers, lettuce, peppers, spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes, yellow squash, etc.
  • Whole grains: Chickpeas, oats, and barley.

Unfavorable food

Fruits with a high content of sugars

Bananas, grapes, raisins, dried fruits, and mangoes.

Vegetables with a high carbohydrate content

Peas, corn, carrots, and potatoes.

Processed and refined carbohydrates

Bread, pasta, and other products are made with white wheat flour.

Processed foods


Foods made with sugar.

Cakes, sweets, and cookies.


Sugary drinks and soft drinks.

Coffee and tea

They should be consumed in small quantities.

Omega Rx

Reduce cellular inflammation requires the constant intake of omega 3Rx fatty acids, which have a high content of essential fatty acids:

Eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid: They are not produced by the body and must be consumed daily.

These acids are involved in developing the cell membrane and regulate the anti-inflammatory response found in fish.


Polyphenols are phytochemicals and micronutrients with antioxidant properties that prevent and reduce the progression of diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases.

They are excellent as prebiotics because they increase the number of bacteria in the intestines, necessary for weight control and disease prevention.

Polyphenols are found in fruits and vegetables.


The exercises and the high consumption of fish provoke an inflammatory response, a repair of the damage to the cells, and diminishes the resistance to the insulin.

The recommended exercise is moderate: only 30 minutes a day, six times a week.


If the diet is followed by consuming all foods from the area’s pyramid and creating a nutritional balance, the recommended supplements may be omega-3, such as fish oil and polyphenol supplements.

Menu to make the diet zone

To learn how to make combinations of the diet zone, several examples are shown:

Breakfasts and dinners

  • Day 1

In a blender, mix Two tablespoons of almonds, half a cup of sliced ​​apples, half a cup of orange slices, a cup of milk with 2% fat, and 14 grams of protein powder.

This menu consists of 35 grams (41%) of carbohydrates, 11 grams (29%) of fats, 26 grams (30%) of protein, and 337 calories.

  • Day 2

Two egg omelets with asparagus cooked in a tablespoon of olive oil, a cup of sliced ​​strawberries, and half a cup of oatmeal with one box of raisins.

This menu is composed of 5.8 grams (31%) of carbohydrates, 18 grams (31%) of fats, 28 grams (31%) of protein, and 530 calories.

  • Day 3

Three quarts of cottage cheese, one teaspoon of flaxseed oil, half a cup of unsweetened applesauce, half a cup of cranberries, and five teaspoons of almonds.

This menu is composed of 34 grams (41%) of carbohydrates, 11 grams (30%) of fats, 24 grams (29%) of protein and 324 calories.

  • Day 4

Three-quarters of non-fat Greek yogurt, one cup of fresh sliced ​​strawberries, three-quarter fresh blueberries, and nine chopped almonds.

This menu is composed of 39 grams (41%) of carbohydrates, 11 grams (30%) of fats, 24 grams (29%) of protein and 327 calories.


  • Day 1

An 8-inch wheat tortilla, two ounces of cheese with a fat content of 2%, a quarter of an avocado, sliced, three slices of tomato, four ounces of turkey breast, two leaves of romaine lettuce, a quarter cup of roman sauce.

This menu is composed of 43 grams (40%) of carbohydrates, 15 grams (31%) of fats, 32 grams (29%) of protein and 428 calories.

  • Day 2

Chicken fingers made with three ounces of boneless chicken breast bathed in two tablespoons of egg beaters, two tablespoons of sesame seeds, and small baked sweet potatoes covered with two tablespoons of low-fat ranch dressing.

This menu is composed of 40 grams (45%) of carbohydrates, 12 grams (27%) of fats, 28 grams (28%) of protein and 400 calories.

  • Day 3

Three ounces of chicken breast, half pita bread, one ounce of cheese with 2% fat content, a quarter cup of sprouts, half a tablespoon of mayonnaise, two teaspoons of mustard, and half a melon.

This menu is composed of 43 grams (38%) of carbohydrates, 16 grams (31%) of fats, 36 grams (31%) of protein and 456 calories.

  • Day 4

Half an apple, chicken salad, and a taco made with two and a half ounces of ground chicken breast, a fourth cup of prepared sauce, a teaspoon of olive oil, a quarter of chopped onion, and a clove of garlic.

Add a quarter cup of black beans, two and a half cups of chopped lettuce, two tablespoons of grated cheese with 2% fat, and seven black olives.

This menu is composed of 38 grams (47%) of carbohydrates, 11 grams (30%) of fats, 28 grams (23%) of protein and 323 calories.