It is a bump that forms outside the scrotum and warrants surgical treatment depending on the dimensions.
How is a Scrotal Hernia produced?
It occurs when the tissue pushes a weak spot in the groin muscle, forming a lump in that extremity of the body. Depending on the size, it can cause pain when coughing or lifting heavy objects.
Scrotal hernias occur when the muscle wall has an opening and does not close properly. This can happen in the process of embryo formation in pregnancy.
The continuous pressure in that area causes the tissue to push and protrude. Regardless of the size of their location, Hernias can be formed shortly after birth or many years later.
Most hernias arise from being overweight or continually lifting heavy objects, even more than the body can withstand, and coughing frequently.
Statistically, it has been proven that men tend to suffer more from hernias than women.
Women can develop hernias when they are in the gestation period of the fetus due to the pressure that occurs in the wall of the abdomen.
Symptoms of a Scrotal Hernia
The first to detecting a scrotal hernia is to see a lump in the groin or scrotum, sometimes in the round.
It can be formed in periods of a few weeks, months, or years. Sometimes it does not generate pain or severe discomfort in the affected person, as long as its size is not extremely large.
This type of hernias can cause inflammation in the affected area (scrotum) and a feeling of heaviness, even burning, improving when the body is at rest.
Symptoms such as nausea or vomiting may also occur when the hernia presses on the part of the intestine.
Symptoms of inflammation in the scrotum:
An enlargement occurs in the scrotal sac, which houses the testicles. Inflammation can be caused by fluid retention or abnormal growth in the area, such as a hernia.
This condition may not necessarily cause pain, but in some cases, it is unbearable. Depending on the cause, if it does not receive the appropriate treatment, it can cause the loss of the testicles.
The specialists diagnose a Scrotal Hernia when a general and physical examination is performed. The bulk is usually easy to feel and more when proportionally large.
Treatment for a Scrotal Hernia
The Scrotal Hernias do not disappear independently; it is usual to treat them surgically to remove them or reduce their size.
If the hernia does not present significant complications for the affected person, it is most likely that the treating doctor does not submit the patient to surgery. Sometimes it does not worsen or grow, and the operation is scheduled if it does.
If the scrotal hernia is pressing the intestine, although its size is not so large and the patient does not present symptoms or complaints and is discovered by a routine check, the doctor may recommend surgery.
This is because the intestine can have a “strangulation.” This condition is a high-risk problem and occurs when the small intestine is trapped inside the hernia.
However, it is not an emergency intervention. In some cases, babies and young children are more likely to have this condition because the intestine tissue is trapped in a hernia. For security issues, surgery is recommended to repair this malformation.
What is strangulation in the intestine?
The obstruction or interruption of the blood to the intestine is indicated as strangulation.
This condition occurs in most cases because the intestine is trapped in a strange opening, better known as a hernia; this can cause a perforation, which produces peritonitis and, if not treated in time, can cause the death of the patient.
The treating doctor can perform a scrotal ultrasound to see inside if necessary. This test will allow us to see if there is any abnormality within the scrotal sac.