Piles or Hemorrhoids: Causes, Types, Symptoms, Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment

Piles or hemorrhoids are increases that develop in and around the anus.

The anal canal is the last part of the large intestine and is about 4 cm long. At the lower end of the anal canal is the opening to the outside (usually referred to as the anus), through which the stool passes. At the upper back, the anal canal connects with the rectum (also part of the large intestine).

There is a network of small veins (blood vessels) in the lining of the anal canal. These veins sometimes get bigger and have more blood than usual. The veins fill with blood, and the tissue that covers later can form in one or more small lumps called piles.

Some people develop internal and external hemorrhoids at the same time.


The symptoms vary from mild and temporary to persistent and painful. In many cases, the piles are small, and the symptoms disappear without treatment. If necessary, the treatment is usually adequate. There are several treatment options, which we will detail later.

  • Bleeding without pain
  • Itching or irritation in the anal area.
  • Discomfort and pain in the same place.
  • Lumps and swelling in the anal region.
  • Stool leakage.

The symptoms can be unpleasant or alarming, but generally, they are not a cause for concern.

What causes the piles?

The exact reason why they are caused is not clear. Some seem to develop for no apparent reason. However, it is believed that an increase in pressure in and around the anus and anal canal can be an essential factor in many cases.


Certain situations increase the possibility of developing piles:

Constipation and the effort in the toilet. These increase the pressure in and around the veins in the anus and appear to be a common reason for developing piles.

The pregnancy. They are common during pregnancy. This is probably due to the effects of the baby’s pressure above the rectum and anus and the impact the changes in hormones during pregnancy can have on the veins.

Aging. The tissues of the anus wall may be less flexible as we get older. The hereditary factors. Some people can inherit weakness in the wall of the veins in the anal region.

How can we avoid them?

I was eating a lot of fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, cereals, whole grain bread, etc.

It would help if you drank more liquids. Adults should try to drink at least two liters (6-8 glasses) per day. Most of the fluid will pass in urine, but some pass into the intestine, which softens the stool.

The fiber supplements . If a diet high in fiber is not helping, you can take fiber supplements (bulking agents) such as spatula, methylcellulose, bran, or sterculia.

Avoid analgesics that contain codeine, such as co-codamol, as they are a common cause of constipation. However, simple painkillers such as paracetamol can help.

Go to the bathroom as soon as possible after feeling the need. Some people suppress this feeling and plan to go to the toilet later. This can result in larger, harder stools forming and more challenging to pass. Do not strain on the toilet.

When they are detected in early stages, piles or hemorrhoids can disappear if we follow a balanced diet based on fibers, fruits, and vegetables, taking enough fluids throughout the day.


Hemorrhoids can be internal or external.

Internal hemorrhoids:

The internal hemorrhoids are inside the rectum and are not visible from the outside. They are usually painless. Often, the first sign that there are internal hemorrhoids is rectal bleeding.

The effort can sometimes push internal hemorrhoids to protrude through the anus. This is called a hemorrhoid that, protrudes or prolapses and can be painful.

External hemorrhoids:

The external hemorrhoids are under the skin around the anus and, therefore, are visible. Because there are more sensitive nerves in this part of the body, they are usually more painful. Effort when passing a stool can make them bleed.


Anyone who experiences the symptoms described above should contact a doctor. Keep in mind that other things, including colorectal and anal cancers, can cause rectal bleeding.

A doctor can perform a physical examination and perform other tests to determine whether or not there are hemorrhoids present. These tests may include a digital rectal exam. The doctor performs this manual inspection using a gloved and lubricated finger.

If the symptoms include significant amounts of bleeding, dizziness, and fainting, the person should seek emergency care immediately.


In most cases, simple measures will relieve symptoms, while hemorrhoids improve without treatment. However, sometimes medications and even surgery may be needed.

Home treatments:

The symptoms can be alleviated in the following ways. However, they will not eliminate hemorrhoids:

Topical creams and ointments: Over-the-counter (OTC) creams or suppositories containing hydrocortisone are available. Some pads have witch hazel or an anesthetic agent that can be applied to the skin.

Packages of ice and cold packs: applying these to the affected area can help with swelling.

A sitz bath with warm water: a toilet seat is placed over the toilet. Some pharmacies sell them and can relieve the burning or itching symptoms.

Wet wipes: Dry toilet paper can aggravate the problem.


Most medications for hemorrhoids are over the counter. These include ointments, pads, or suppositories.

It is known that active ingredients such as hydrocortisone and witch hazel relieve itching and pain. Consult a doctor if these medications do not show results after one week of treatment.

Non-surgical treatment options:

The most common type of non-surgical hemorrhoid removal technique is elastic band ligation.

This is an outpatient procedure for internal hemorrhoids, where an elastic band is placed at the base of hemorrhoid to cut off the blood supply. Hemorrhoids will shrink or fall off.

Another procedure is sclerotherapy, where a solution is injected into an internal hemorrhoid. This produces a scar that cuts off the blood supply to hemorrhoid.

Infrared photocoagulation and electrocoagulation are two other options.

How to eliminate hemorrhoids?

Surgery may involve the complete elimination of hemorrhoids, known as Hemorrhoidectomy.

It can also involve stapling, where a prolapsed hemorrhoid is put back in place. These procedures are performed under general anesthesia, and most people can go home the same day after surgery.

The procedure of Hemorrhoidectomy:

A hemorrhoidectomy is usually done in a doctor’s office, clinic, or surgical center.

You may receive local anesthesia (a small area of ​​your body is numbed), a spinal block (the lower half of your body is numbed), or general anesthesia (you will not be conscious).

There are different ways to perform the procedure, depending on your condition.

In a typical hemorrhoidectomy, a surgeon makes small incisions around the hemorrhoids.

Then use a knife, scissors, or a cautery pencil (a high-heat instrument) to eliminate hemorrhoids.

Sometimes, it is possible to staple hemorrhoid or place a rubber band to block its blood flow. This causes hemorrhoids to shrink.

Other techniques involve the injection of a chemical solution or the use of a laser to reduce hemorrhoids.

Talk to your doctor about which procedure is the best option for you.

How to relieve hemorrhoids?

Drinking water:

Drinking enough amounts of water, which can be between 2 and 3 liters per day, helps to hydrate our body and lighten and smooth the bowel movements.

Specific techniques for gentle bowel movements can be practiced at home.

Drinking at least a liter of water first thing in the morning helps stimulate soft bowel movements.

The sudden flow of water in the stomach puts pressure on the intestines and helps create peristaltic movement. The water that runs inside the intestines moves the waste in gentle exercises.

High fiber diet:

A diet rich in fiber helps create softer bowel movements and easy bowel movements.

This, in turn, decreases the irritation caused by hemorrhoids. A diet high in fiber includes consuming most vegetables, herbs, fruits, and cereal.


An enema is a straightforward and effective remedy to relieve hemorrhoids. Enemas can be administered with warm water. The water that enters the intestine loosens the stool to evacuate quickly and effortlessly.

Cotton clothes:

Simple cotton clothing that fits comfortably is better because a tight dress can aggravate irritation in the area of ​​hemorrhoids.

They can also absorb sweat, which keeps the area dry and helps prevent any bacterial infection.


Radishes are considered one of the best home remedies to relieve hemorrhoids. A half-cup of radish juice consumed twice a day will help reduce these swollen veins.

The local application of radish paste mixed with honey can also alleviate the pain caused by hemorrhoids.


In Ayurvedic medicine, figs have treated many diseases, including hemorrhoids.

The dried figs should be soaked in water overnight and then consumed the next day along with the water to give positive results towards the relief and reduction of hemorrhoids.


Hemorrhoids can be treated with the help of probiotics or friendly bacteria. The best source for such probiotic bacteria is none other than yogurt!

It would help if you consumed yogurt every day because the bacteria found in yogurt promote the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal organs.


Flaxseed rich in fiber content and omega-3 fatty acids is helpful for hemorrhoids and constipation . Flaxseed can be consumed regularly in powder form.

Mango seeds:

It is known that mango seeds are a good home remedy to relieve hemorrhoids. These seeds should be dried, pulverized, and stored.

This powder should be taken (1-2 teaspoons) twice a day. The powder is known to relieve swelling, pain, and itching sensation.

Chestnuts from the Indies:

The chestnut horse or Aesculus hippocastanum contains a compound called Escin saponin.

Escin has anti-inflammatory properties, antiedema, and vagotonic effects. Relieves inflammation and strengthens blood vessels.

Java plums:

The Java plum fruit is known to relieve bloody stools associated with internal hemorrhoids.

For best results, this fruit should be eaten early in the morning for approximately 2-3 months.

Butcher’s Broom:

The butcher’s broom, also known as Ruscus aculeatus, has shown promising results in the control of hemorrhoids.

It has ruscogenins, which are known to have anti-inflammatory properties.

Pomegranate seeds:

Take some shells of pomegranate seeds and immerse them in water for a while and then boil this mixture.

Strain this brew and take it twice a day in the morning and night. This will help relieve the symptoms and pain of hemorrhoids.

Aloe vera:

Aloe vera has been used for many centuries to treat burns due to its emollient, demulcent, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Aloe vera secretions should be applied locally to external hemorrhoids to relieve pain and swelling.


The ripe banana fruit is excellent for treating constipation, as well as for hemorrhoids.

Blend a banana with milk and consume this mixture at least 3 or 4 times a day to relieve the pain of hemorrhoids.


Witch hazel, known scientifically as Hamamelis virginiana, has shrinking properties of blood vessels swollen to their standard size and therefore acts as a natural remedy for hemorrhoids.

A witch hazel paste can be applied locally to relieve swelling.

Sesame seeds:

Make a paste of boiled sesame seeds and add a minimal amount of butter and consume every day.

Sesame seeds act as the perfect medicine for a spectrum of diseases ranging from blood production, dental problems, and burns to the regulation of the menstrual cycle of women and the cure of hemorrhoids.

Cumin seeds:

Cumin seeds can be used in various ways to cure hemorrhoids. Black cumin seeds are beneficial for treating hemorrhoids.

Mix black cumin seeds with equal proportions of cane sugar (2-3 teaspoons) every day.

After taking this mixture, one has to drink at least 3-4 glasses of water for best results.

Bitter gourd:

Bitter gourd is known for its health benefits, such as the fight against diabetes, the possible prevention of cancer, and the control of cholesterol.

Its leaves are also used to provide relief from hemorrhoids.

Make a juice of bitter gourd leaves and add it to the buttermilk, which should be taken every morning.

In addition to the juice, you can prepare a paste of leaves and apply it to external hemorrhoids.

Ginger, honey, lime, and mint:

Take two tablespoons of ginger juice, lime juice, and mint juice and mix with 2-4 tablespoons of honey. Take this mixture every morning.

It is believed to be a good cure for hemorrhoids.


Turnips are another plant that is used as a home remedy for hemorrhoids.

Take the juice from the turnip leaves and add the juices of radish, watercress, and carrot in equal proportions.

Drink a glass of this juice every day to get rid of hemorrhoids.

Indian gooseberry:

It is another beautiful fruit of India. It is believed that it has the highest concentrations of vitamin C than any fruit and many medicinal properties and is consumed in fresh or canned form.

Indian gooseberry is suitable for many gastrointestinal problems, including hemorrhoids.


There are different poses in yoga that can help in conditions such as hemorrhoids.

Sarvanga asana, malasana, viparita Karani, and balasana are some yoga postures that can be practiced to cure hemorrhoids.


Turmeric is one of the ancient herbs that have been widely mentioned in Ayurveda to have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic, antioxidant, and anti-allergic properties.

Its anti-inflammatory properties make it very effective in curing hemorrhoids.

Soft toilet paper:

Other remedies include using simple and soft tissue paper instead of fragrance-filled tissues.

Note: Fragrant tissues may contain chemical sprays that increase irritation and worsen the condition.

The high sensation of itching causes patients to scratch uncontrollably. Scratching can break those healing wounds or scars and return damages to their original painful levels.

For any unforeseen complication, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Hemorrhoids are common during pregnancy, particularly in the third trimester, when the enlarged uterus pressure the pelvis and veins near the anus and rectum.

Increased levels of the hormone progesterone during pregnancy can also contribute to the development of hemorrhoids: progesterone relaxes the walls of the veins, which makes them more likely to swell.

Some women have hemorrhoids for the first time when they are pregnant. But if you’ve had hemorrhoids before, you’re more likely to have them again when you’re pregnant.

Fortunately, hemorrhoids are usually not harmful to your health or the health of your baby and usually go away on their own once you give birth.

You can often relieve symptoms with home care but check with your doctor first to ensure any treatment is safe during your pregnancy.