Pain in the Year: What is it? Rectal Problems, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Rectal pain is pain or discomfort in the lower portion of the gastrointestinal tract.

Have you ever experienced sharp pain at random in the anus? This pain could be near the anus in both men and women. The pain may extend to the lower part of the abdomen and the pelvic area.

In women, pain can be felt during the period. In some cases, you may feel pain when defecating.

It is a common problem resulting from conditions such as hemorrhoids or anal fissures.

Rectal pain may be associated with symptoms such as prolapse, pressure, or bleeding. The rectal or anal pain can also occur with inflammatory bowel diseases, localized infections, or minor lesions.

Some causes of rectal pain, such as hemorrhoids or anal fissures, may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as blood in the stool or bleeding.

Diarrhea or constipation may also be present. Cancers are a rare cause of rectal pain. Levator syndrome, also known as levator ani syndrome, is a spasm of the levator ani muscle that causes fleeting pain in the rectum.


Proctalgia fugax is another term referring to rectal pain due to muscle spasms.

Acute pain near the anus

Acute pain in the anus, around the anus, or near the anus can occur in men and women. The pain can be very distressing, but it is often a sign of something treatable. This pain is medically known as proctalgia.

An anorectal fistula is one of the common causes of pain. An anal fistula can be described as a narrow tunnel with its internal opening in the anal canal and its external opening in the skin near the anus.

This condition is common in people with a history of anal abscesses.

A perianal abscess, also called an anorectal spot, is an abscess adjacent to the anus. These strokes often arise from an infection in one of the anal sinuses that leads to inflammation and the formation of an abscess.

Pain in the perianal area is the most common symptom of an anorectal abscess. The pain is worse when you are sitting or during defecation.

When accompanied by other symptoms such as chills or fever, it can be a sign of infection. To minimize the risk of complications, you may need to have it reviewed as soon as possible.

Rectal problems

Almost everyone will experience rectal itching, pain, or bleeding at some point.

Rectal itching:

Rectal itching (pruritus) is usually not a sign of a severe illness. At first, the skin of the anal area may appear red. Common causes of rectal itching include:

  • Inadequate cleaning of the site after a bowel movement.
  • The anal site usually is fat, and this barrier protects against irritation of bowel movements.
  • A generalized condition of dry skin that affects the entire body.
  • Intestinal worms are the most common cause of anal itching in children.

Rectal pain:

It can be caused by dysentery, constipation or pruritus, and itching. The rectal pain caused by these conditions usually disappears when the problem goes away.

Other less common causes of rectal pain include:

  • Hemorrhoids.
  • Problems such as anal fissures or rectal prolapse.
  • Infection.
  • Injury.
  • Rectum cancer, prostate cancer, or skin cancers.
  • Treatments such as surgery or radiotherapy.


Many people have small amounts of rectal bleeding. Irritation of the rectum can cause bleeding on the stool’s surface or toilet paper.

Hemorrhoids and anal fissures usually occur after an effort during a bowel movement due to constipation.

This bleeding can cause pain during defecation and not make the bathwater bleed. It is not severe if there is only a tiny amount of blood. Often treatment at home is usually all that is needed.

Bleeding can come from anywhere in the digestive system. The blood is digested as it moves through the digestive tract. The longer it takes blood to move through the digestive tract, the less it will look like blood.

The blood caused by bleeding in the stomach will often look dark and tar-like.

It may appear red or dark red if the blood has flowed quickly through the digestive system or started near the rectum.

Some medications and some foods can alter the color of the stool. The remedies for dysentery and iron pills can make the chairs black. Eating lots of beets can turn stools red.

Eating blue, black, or other dark colors can turn dark stools. Check your indications to decide if it is appropriate to see a doctor and when.

Causes of acute pain in the anus

Anal pain in and around the anus is a common complaint in men and women. Some of the common causes of acute pain would include the following:

  1. Chronic hemorrhoids:

Hemorrhoids, also called piles, are swelling of the blood vessels around the anus.

Although they occur in both men and women, hemorrhoids are more common in women, often caused by an effort in the toilet due to prolonged constipation.

Hemorrhoids often have no symptoms, but when they do occur, they include:

  • Itching in the rectum.
  • Hits in the anus or around the anus.
  • Redness and redness around the anus
  • Mild to severe anal pain
  • Bleeding after a bowel movement
  1. Anal fissure:

An anal fissure is a small tear in the skin around the anus. Tears can be caused by chronic constipation, bypassing large or complex stool.

When this is the cause of the pain, you will wait for the following symptoms:

  • Rectal bleeding, you can see blood spots after defecation in toilet paper.
  • Acute pain during defecation.
  • Burning pain that lasts several hours.

An anal fissure is very painful, but it will often heal by itself. Treatment may include taking a laxative, over-the-counter pain relievers at home, and increasing fiber diet intake.

In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to help heal the anal fissure.

  1. Anal fistula:

Result of an infection near the anus results in an accumulation of pus that forms an abscess or a boil.

An anal fistula can be shown with the following symptoms:

  • Stabbing pain that gets worse when sitting down.
  • Irritation around the skin.
  • Presence of blood in the stool.
  • Redness around the anus.
  • Fever.

Typically, oral or topical antibiotics can be used in bacterial infections. A surgical procedure may be required to remove the spot for severe cases and large abscesses.

  1. Proctalgia fax:

Proctalgia fugax does not have a specific cause. According to the Mayo Clinic, the pain can be caused by intense muscle spasms in and around the anal canal.

Although similar to levator ani syndrome, proctalgia fugax can last for days instead of minutes.

Anyone can experience this pain, but it is sometimes more common in women than women. The common symptoms of proctalgia fugax are muscle spasms in or around the lower rectum area or in or around the anal canal.

Pain or spasm occurs suddenly and usually without warning.

  1. Inflammatory bowel disease:

Inflammatory bowel disease involves chronic inflammation of the digestive tract.

Common inflammatory bowel diseases are ulcerative colitis (a condition characterized by long-lasting inflammation and sores on the inner lining of the colon or large intestine).

The other common condition is Crohn’s disease, characterized by inflammation of the lining of your digestive tract.

  1. Cocicodinia:

Coccydynia is a medical term that means pain in the coccyx or area. Pain can be caused by sitting too abruptly.

Surgical and non-surgical methods can cause pain. If non-surgical treatments do not relieve pain, surgery can be performed to remove the coccyx.

  1. Cancer of the anus:

Anal cancer is rare cancer that occurs in the anal canal. Your anal canal is a short tube at the end of your rectum through which the stool leaves your body.

Rectal bleeding and anal pain are the common symptoms of anal cancer.

Treatment for anal cancer often involves a combination of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Although the variety of treatments increases the risk of cure, it can also increase the side effects of the risk.

  1. Anal abscess:

An anal abscess is a painful condition in which pus accumulates near the anus. The majority of anal spots result from an infection of small anal glands.

The most common type of abscess is a perianal abscess. This often appears as a painful swelling similar to boiling near the anus. It can be red and warm to the touch. Anal spots in deeper tissues are less common and may be less visible.

Surgical incision and drainage is the most common treatment for anal abscesses and is generally successful.

About 50% of patients with an anal abscess will develop a fistula complication. A fistula is a small tunnel that creates an abnormal connection between the abscess site and the skin.

In some cases, an anal fistula causes persistent drainage. In other cases, where the outside of the tunnel opening closes, the result can be recurrent anal abscesses. Surgery is necessary to cure almost all anal fistulas.

Acute pain in women

In women, acute pain in the anus and lower abdomen may be signs of any of the following:


Commonly known as posterior vaginal prolapse, rectocele occurs when the fibrous tissue wall separating the rectum from the vagina becomes weak. When this happens, the tissues just behind the wall of the vagina can bulge into the vagina.

According to the clinic in May, labor and other processes that pressure the pelvic tissue can cause posterior vaginal prolapse.

A small prolapse may not cause signs or symptoms. However, for a significant posterior vaginal prolapse, you can create a noticeable lump of tissue through the vaginal opening. Although remarkable, it is rarely uncomfortable.

Intestinal constipation:

Constipation is a severe form of constipation that results from a blockage in the intestines. With this condition, the intestines are not completely emptied, and feces or gas that can cause intestinal obstruction are not eliminated.

Annual lift muscle syndrome:

Elevator syndrome is more common in women than in men. This condition is characterized by apparent spasms in the group of muscles that surround and support the anus.

Elevator syndrome can be very painful and often lasts up to 20 minutes. The pain usually worsens when sitting up and can be felt high in the rectum. Soaking in a hot tub and massaging the levator ani muscles can help stop the spasm.

Over the counter, anti-inflammatory painkillers such as ibuprofen can also help relieve symptoms.

Acute pain in the anus during the period:

In women, acute pain in the anus during the period may be a sign of PCOS polycystic ovarian syndrome. This is a common hormonal disorder among women of reproductive age. Those with this condition may have infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods.

With polycystic ovarian syndrome, the ovaries can develop numerous small collections of fluids and do not release eggs regularly.

The exact cause of polycystic ovary syndrome is unknown; early diagnosis, treatment, and weight loss can reduce the risk of long-term complications, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Be aware of the following symptoms:

  • Excessive androgen showed by physical signs such as excess facial and body hair.
  • Irregular period and infrequent long menstrual cycles.
  • The polycystic ovaries surround the ovules, where the ovaries enlarge and contain follicles.

Acute pain in the anus in men

In men, acute pain in the anus and lower abdomen can be a sign of any of the following conditions:


Prostatitis is a swelling and inflammation of the prostate glands. Prostatitis often causes painful or difficult urination. Other symptoms include pain in the groin, pelvic area, or genitals, sometimes similar to the flu symptoms.

This condition affects men of all ages but tends to be more common in men over 50 years old. The state has several causes, but the reasons are often not identified in most cases.

When a bacterial infection causes it, antibiotics are used to treat the symptoms.

Kidney stones:

Kidney stones are extraordinarily painful accretions of urate or phosphate crystals in the kidney. Pain can occur almost anywhere in the abdomen, not just in the perineum but in the lower back.

In rare cases, kidney stones can pass on their own, while in other cases, a procedure known as lithotripsy is required to dissolve them.

Acute pain in the rectum:

Rectal prolapse is when the rectal walls have prolapsed to a degree where they protrude from the anus and can be seen outside the body. Rectal prolapse can occur without any symptoms, but depending on the nature of the prolapse, there may be:

  • Mucosal discharge
  • Rectal bleeding.
  • Obstructed defecation.
  • Fecal incontinence

An anal fissure is the other possible cause of acute pain in the anus when defecating. As stated, an anal fissure is a small tear in the thin, moist lining of the mucous lining of the anus.

Tears can be caused by passing hard or large stools during a bowel movement.

Treatment for acute pain in the anus

An adequate medical examination may be required to establish the real cause of the pain for proper medical treatment. Call your doctor if you notice the following symptoms:

  • Bloodstain in the stool.
  • The pain becomes severe.
  • The pain seems to extend to the adjacent area.
  • You suspect that prolapse is the cause of pain.

If symptoms do not improve after a few days, most cases of anal pain can be easily diagnosed. Pain can often be treated with simple over-the-counter analgesics, among other options.

Over-the-counter analgesics can be used as oral and topical antibiotics in cases of bacterial infection that causes acute pain in the anus.

In other cases, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and laxatives can be used for chronic constipation to soften stools and relieve pain during bowel movements.

How to get rid of acute pain in the anus:

Getting rid of acute pain in the anus will often vary depending on the underlying cause of the pain. Treating the underlying cause of pain is the best way to get rid of and relieve pain.

There are also some effective remedies that you can use to calm the pain and speed up the healing process, especially in cases like anal fissures, and hemorrhoids, among others.

You can try the following home remedies:

Epsom sitz bath:

An Epsom salt seat bath can help relieve discomfort and promote healing. A sitz bath helps increase the blood flow to the anal area. This can be an excellent way to help cure anal tears, soothe pain and reduce inflammation.

  • Add some water to a container.
  • Add two tablespoons of Epsom salt or a few drops of lavender essential oils.
  • Sit in the bowl for 20 minutes at least twice a day.
Olive Oil:

Olive oil is a rich and healthy natural remedy that will lubricate your intestinal system. For those with chronic constipation or hemorrhoids, this can allow the stool to pass quickly.

Aloe vera:

Aloe vera gel is the other excellent remedy that you can use to relieve pain, relieve swelling and eliminate irritation around the anus and the groin.

It is also said that aloe vera gel contains healing properties that can accelerate the healing of anal fissures.