How to calculate the probable date of birth
Pregnancy: Many ways to calculate this important day
How can a doctor know the likely delivery date so quickly and accurately? Most people have asked this at one time or another. Most doctors do this with the help of a formula or technology. The truth is that there are many ways to calculate the probable delivery date. Their methods can be computer applications, which include nine months from the day of their last period, to a series of traditional media. The only common factor is that they are all entirely accurate.
How are the nine months calculated?
Nowadays, the formula most used to calculate the probable date of childbirth is to add the nine months from the beginning of the last period and then subtract two weeks. More straightforwardly, estimating the possible delivery date can be calculated by adding 40 weeks from the first day of the last menstrual period, then subtracting 14 days from this date. This formula is known as the UPM (last menstrual period).
Another straightforward method that has been used to calculate the possible date of delivery is the Naegle formula. You need to know the first day of the last menstrual period in many recipes. To determine the date of birth with this formula, add nine months and seven days, equivalent to 280 days. Remember that the delivery will not be given the exact day; it may be a few days before or later.
Modern medicine often uses technology to calculate a probable delivery date, which usually hits 98 percent of cases. This implies the use of ultrasound.
In general, with all the methods currently used to calculate the probable delivery date, you can know the exact date of birth of a baby. Although it is not always accurate, today, it is pretty accurate. Remember that for centuries many have had similar accuracy in the probable date of birth.