Bradilalia: Definition, Causes, Symptoms, Consequences, Diagnosis and Treatment

It is an alteration that causes slowness in the language of variable degrees caused by a lesion in the brain.

This disorder is accompanied by a decrease in the ability to modulate the tone of voice and verbal fluency.

The tone of voice can become flat and monotonous, and there is great difficulty in articulating the words.

It is possible that on some occasions, there is mutism to a variable degree.

Verbal understanding in bradylalia cases is maintained; the person can understand everything that is said perfectly, even if there is a slowdown in speaking or the emission of language.

This type of affectation does not appear spontaneously; bradylalia can be caused by an organic or psychological pathology and is common in depressive states.

Bradylalia is a symptom and indicator of neuronal damage rather than a disorder per se.


Causes of bradylalia

Bradylalia occurs because of a brain injury that occurs specifically in those areas of the brain that are linked to speech or language production.

Bradylalia is caused by strokes, head injuries, and neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s).

Other circumstances, such as psychotic patients with negative symptoms, produce cognitive impairment, and that can generate bradylalia.

Bradylalia has also been observed in some cases of poisoning and poisoning affecting the nervous system.

It has been reported in patients suffering from brain infections, such as encephalitis, which have given rise to language disorders such as bradylalia.

Bradylalia is likely to be found, although to a lesser degree, in patients with psychiatric problems, such as major depression or some other psychotic pain.

It has also been seen in patients with neurodevelopmental disorders.

Symptom expression

You can compare bradycardic to a drunk person.

Most of the time, bradylalia is preceded by neurological problems acquired by accidents or congenital.

Also, due to the use of medications, as in the case of depression, the side effects of the drugs affect the neurophysiological functioning of the patient.

These conditions cause the appearance of the symptom, and a discontinuity is observed, which is due to an increase in the inertia of the movement of the muscles responsible for generating voice and speech.

In this type of individual, articulatory gestures are slow and very uncoordinated; blockages in speech, stuttering, prolongation or repetition of the sounds of words, boring conversation, and slight expressive intonation can be observed.

The continuity of the spoken message is lost due to the expansion of time and the transmission rate, which generates a very long stretch between the beginning and the end of the message, and the system of the idea of ​​the thought to be transmitted is lost.

Consequences of bradylalia

This fundamental ability, such as speech, can have severe consequences for most people with bradylalia.

The problems of people with bradylalia go beyond difficulty speaking.

Functional repercussions are frequently present when holding a conversation since difficulties are generated personally and socially.

Social life is likely diminished, and it is difficult for communications to be carried out effectively; even the mental capacities of the patient may be undervalued.

At the work level, significant repercussions can also occur, making it difficult or preventing the fulfillment of everyday activities at work.

It is widespread for bradylalia to generate an alteration on an emotional level, especially if it appears accompanied by symptoms of irritability, a decrease in self-esteem, symptoms of anxiety, or an increase in depression problems, mainly if this symptom is caused by a psychiatric illness.

Patients with bradylalia are aware of the presence of speech difficulties.

Avoiding any social contact is observed, a general demotivation accompanied by the loss of desire to do things, and some hopelessness may also appear.

All these effects are -widespread in those cases in which the patient does not present improvements.


A language specialist makes the diagnosis.

Generally, bradylalia is presented with other disorders, so its diagnosis is sometimes difficult. Hence, intelligence, perception, attention, and literacy skills must be measured during the diagnosis.

Treatment of bradylalia

Treatment for bradylalia will depend on the causes that cause it.

They generally require a long period to observe progress, and it is not always possible to achieve a full recovery of the average speed of speech.

This is because the alteration arises from a deterioration of a part of the nervous system and can be temporary or permanent, depending on the problem that caused it.

When bradylalia is caused by poisoning or depression, recovery is likely when treatment for the condition is applied.

In the cases of cerebrovascular accidents or neurodegenerative diseases, the treatment is multidisciplinary.

Treatments may require physical therapy, strengthening of the orophonatory and respiratory muscles, speech therapy, occupational work, speech therapy, and cognitive stimulation.

When this symptom occurs in children with neurodevelopmental disorders, it is necessary to consider their difficulties in the classroom, and it is essential to carry out curricular adaptations and individual planning as the case may be.