Anxiety Test: How is Anxiety Measured? Complications of Anxiety, Tips and Test Model

Specifically, it can tell you what anxiety symptoms you’re experiencing and even what treatment might be right for you.

Taking an anxiety test is helpful if you think you might have an anxiety disorder .

It is not always easy to know what can be defined as an anxiety disorder. There are also several manuals that describe the criteria for an anxiety disorder, but unfortunately they do not describe all the same criteria. However, we can define certain general symptoms.

Taking an anxiety test will help you determine if you might have severe anxiety. They will also look at the likelihood of an anxiety disorder. You must answer a number of questions and after completing the test, you will be presented with a report that you can use for further evaluation of anxiety disorders.

Be honest when answering the questions to better analyze yourself. The anxiety test has been created for people who want to check whether their anxiety level is too high or too low.

In the mental world, anxiety plays a very important role, but it could become a problem if it increased to the maximum, where he / she is unable to perform daily activities.

A normal person should have a low or medium level of anxiety. To access your results, answer the questions below honestly.

Anxiety is not a disorder, but when anxiety becomes severe, it can make life miserable.

The most important and unique thing about this anxiety test is that it will measure your anxiety by level or scale. Several psychologists have recommended anxiety tests to their patients.

To check your anxiety level, this type of test is created by psychologists and has been approved by mental health organizations.

These tests consist of simple and understandable questions so that every person from any corner of the world can take it without any problem. There are also personalized tests for each patient.

How is anxiety measured?

Anxiety is part of human behavior and experiences, so it will require a professional and trained person to diagnose the level of anxiety in a person. Anxiety can get worse if you let it continue to develop into an anxiety disorder.

Anxiety often develops from a major negative event or trauma . The first time you experience anxiety, it is usually a situation that strongly reminds you of this negative period.

You will feel totally overwhelmed and you will see the situation as if you were a stranger. Many people also hyperventilate during an anxiety attack.

Some psychologists believe that automatic tests can reveal a person’s internal traits. There are several categories when it comes to taking an anxiety test. For example, interviews make up one such category.

The anxiety test that uses the interview technique where the person will feel that they are speaking with a professional mental health expert and will answer all the questions.

This means that you are interviewed regarding your anxiety symptoms, of which a qualified caregiver may or may not provide a diagnosis.

Anxiety test hand in hand with self-assessment

In addition to the category interview, there is also a category with self-assessment surveys. For tests in this category, the results are based on what you experience and think.

The anxiety test is completed by you, based on what you think you are experiencing. In this category are commonly used tests such as:

List of symptoms SCL-90-R : it is a relatively brief self-assessment psychometric instrument (questionnaire) published by the Division of Clinical Evaluation of the Pearson Assessment & Information group.

It is designed to evaluate a wide range of psychological problems and symptoms of psychopathology. It is also used to measure the progress and outcome of psychiatric and psychological treatments or for research purposes.

According to the overview given by the editor, the SCL-90-R is regulated for persons 13 years and older.

It consists of 90 items and takes 12 to 15 minutes to administer, obtaining nine scores along the dimensions of the primary symptoms and three scores among the indices of global distress.

The main dimensions of the symptoms that are evaluated are:

Somatization, obsessive-compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, depression , anxiety, hostility, phobic anxiety, paranoid ideation, psychoticism, and a category of “additional items” that help clinicians evaluate other aspects of the client’s symptoms (for example, the 19, “lack of appetite”).

The three indexes are index of global well-being, resistance and without symptoms. A large number of studies have been carried out that demonstrate the reliability, validity and usefulness of the instrument. It is one of the most widely used measures of psychological distress in clinical practice and research.

The Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A) : is a psychological questionnaire used by physicians to assess the severity of a patient’s anxiety.

Anxiety can refer to things like “a state of mind … an urge … a response to a particular situation … a personality trait … and a psychiatric disorder.”

Although it was one of the first anxiety rating scales to be published, the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale is still widely used by clinicians. It was originally published by Max Hamilto n in 1959.

For clinical purposes, and for the purpose of this scale, only severe or inappropriate anxiety is addressed. This scale is considered a “clinical rating” of the extent of anxiety, and is intended for people who “have already been diagnosed with anxiety neurosis.”

The scale consists of 14 items designed to assess the severity of a patient’s anxiety. Each of the 14 items contains a number of symptoms, and each group of symptoms is rated on a scale of zero to four, with four being the most severe.

All of these scores are used to calculate an overall score that indicates the severity of a person’s anxiety.

The Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale has been considered a valuable scale for many years, but the ever-changing definition of anxiety, new technology, and new research have had an effect on the scale’s perceived usefulness.

As a result, there have been changes and challenges to the original version of the scale over time.

Self-Assessment Test / Survey : This type of test can give you more information about your symptoms. This test is included in the self-assessment surveys and will tell you more about what you are experiencing.

In addition to anxiety, this test also measures depression and stress , so you can get a complete picture of the impact of your anxiety.

People who experience symptoms of anxiety often also experience higher levels of stress and even depression if the symptoms are present for an extended period of time.

The test will take approximately 5 minutes of your time and tells you what your personal anxiety score is as soon as you are done with the test. In addition, many come with additional information on how to interpret these results, so that you can select the appropriate treatment.

If you complete any of these anxiety tests, you will likely receive a validated diagnosis.

How Unhealthy Is My Anxiety?

You probably already know that this anxiety is unreal and unhealthy. If you have a disorder, your anxiety is never healthy. Also, your anxiety is most likely running your life. You no longer dare to do certain things due to anxiety. An anxiety level test can map this anxiety for you.

However, it is not just anxiety that should be considered in an anxiety level test. Many people also suffer from fear of fear. This means that you experience fear of experiencing anxiety symptoms.

Even just thinking that you may have an anxiety attack can trigger this anxiety. This anxiety, too, should be traced through an anxiety level test. Most likely, this type of anxiety rules your life as well.

Are Anxiety Tests Safe?

Yes, every automated test cannot show accurate results, but some custom psychologist tests give better results. The tests are based on the approval and review of psychologists and psychiatrists.

It is very common to experience depression and anxiety together, and you may have some symptoms of both. Take either test that matches the way you’ve felt, or do both tests if you’re not sure.

Scientifically Backed Anxiety Test?

When looking for an anxiety test on the internet, you need to pay attention when it comes to how scientific the test is. Just as there are scientific surveys, although there are also sensational surveys, there are also differences between the scientific and the unscientific anxiety test.

Tips for taking an anxiety test online

When looking for an anxiety test on the internet, you will likely find several different tests. What you need to keep in mind, however, is that not all of these websites contain psychological knowledge.

Anyone can make a website nowadays, which does not require any knowledge about the subject the website is based on. Sometimes people pretend to be experts in a certain field, while this is not the case at all.

Therefore, we recommend that you exercise caution when it comes to information that you find on the Internet.

Also, it helps to know that there is not a single test on the internet that can confirm a diagnosis. Even psychologists can’t do it. A psychiatrist confirms a diagnosis based on various tests.

Therefore, the probability that you will get a validated answer when taking a unique, unscientific approved anxiety test on the Internet is very low.

However, what can help you take a step in the right direction is taking validated tests, so that you have some clue as to what anxiety symptoms you might have.

Do you feel sad or miserable most of the time?

When you are going through a difficult time it is normal for you to feel bad for a while, emotions such as sadness and pain help us to be human. But if you feel sad or miserable most of the time for a long period of time, you may have depression.

Take a test to determine if you are showing any of the warning signs of depression. The online tests will not give you a diagnosis but will help you decide the next step.

Have you ever felt anxious or nervous?

It helps to try to think about the past two weeks, rather than just when you’re feeling very anxious or stressed. Also remember that these tests are only part of an assessment of whether anxiety might be a problem for you.

There’s more to it, like getting feedback from people who know you well, and seeing how long anxiety has been a problem for you and how it affects your life.

What if I get a high anxiety level score?

If you have given, for example, 20 out of 20 positive answers, you will get the scale from level 4 to level 5.

This means that you have a high level of anxiety and that you may be suffering from other types of anxiety disorders, especially phobia and generalized anxiety disorder. You can consult a mental health expert for further help and treatment.

I am not satisfied with the anxiety test report

If you believe that the anxiety test gave incorrect results, you can request a review with your professional psychologist or ask for another opinion.

Contact a mental health professional and provide all the details with your anxiety level, if you want a professional review of your anxiety test results.

Take the anxiety test

If you are concerned that you may have an anxiety disorder, take this quiz to help answer the question, “Do I have an anxiety disorder?”

Anxiety Disorder Test Instructions

Answer yes or no to the following questions as honestly as possible. You will find an interpretation of your answers below.

1. Are you worried about the following?

Repeated and unexpected panic attacks during which you suddenly feel overcome by intense fear or discomfort for no apparent reason; or the fear of having another panic attack.


Persistent and inappropriate thoughts, impulses, or images that cannot be moved out of the mind (such as concern about germs, concern for the order of things, or aggressive or sexual urges).


Powerful and ongoing fear of social situations involving strangers.


Excessive worry (for at least six months) about events or activities.


Fear of places or situations where getting help or escaping can be difficult, such as in a crowd or on a bridge.


Shortness of breath or a racing heart for no apparent reason.


Persistent and irrational fear of an object or situation, such as flying, heights, animals, blood, etc.


Inability to travel alone.


Spending more than an hour a day performing repetitive actions (hand washing, checking, counting, etc.).


Experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening traumatic event or serious injury (such as military combat, violent crime, or serious accident).


2. Do you experience the following for many days?

Feeling restless


Feeling of being tired and distracted.


Feeling irritable


Tight muscles or trouble sleeping?


Your anxiety interferes with your daily life.


3. Having more than one disease at the same time can make it difficult to diagnose and treat different conditions.

In the last year, have you experienced changes in your sleeping or eating habits?


Do you feel sad or depressed for many days?


Do you feel disinterested in life for many days?


Do you feel worthless or guilty for many days?


4. During the past year, have you consistently used alcohol or drugs?

As a result, did you not fulfill your responsibilities to work, school, or family?


Put you in a dangerous situation how to drive a car under the influence?


Did they arrest you?


Does it continue despite causing problems for you or your loved ones?


Anxiety disorder test score

The more times you’ve answered yes on the anxiety disorder test, the more likely you are to suffer from anxiety.

Sections one and two of the test are designed to indicate an anxiety disorder, while sections three and four assess conditions that can complicate anxiety disorders, such as depression or substance use.

If you answered mostly yes in one section, or on the general anxiety disorder test, you should write down your answers and discuss them with a mental health or healthcare professional.

Remember, only a trained mental health professional like your family doctor, psychiatrist, or psychologist can diagnose mental illness.