They are versatile liquids used for cooking, preserving, and cleaning.
Some vinegars, especially apple cider vinegar, have gained popularity in the alternative health community and are said to have an alkalizing effect on the body.
However, it is well known that vinegars are acidic, which is why many people wonder if vinegars are acidic or alkaline.
This article explains whether vinegar is an acid or a base (alkaline) and if it is important to your health.
What is pH?
To understand whether something is an acid or a base (alkaline), you need to understand what pH is.
The term pH is short for “hydrogen potential.”
Simply put, pH is a scale that measures how acidic or alkaline something is.
The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14:
- 0.0–6.9 is acidic.
- 7.0 is neutral.
- 7.1–14.0 is alkaline (also known as basic).
The human body is slightly alkaline with a pH between 7.35 and 7.45.
If your body’s pH falls outside this range, it can have serious or even fatal consequences, as internal processes can malfunction or stop altogether.
It is important to note that your body’s pH only changes in certain disease states and is not affected by your diet.
PH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline something is. It is measured on a scale of 0 to 14. Your body is slightly alkaline with a pH of 7.35–7.45.
Is the vinegar acidic or alkaline?
Vinegar comes from the French phrase “vin aigre”, which means sour wine.
It can be made from almost anything that contains sugar, including fruits, vegetables, and grains. The yeasts first ferment the sugar into alcohol, which is then converted to acetic acid by the bacteria.
Acetic acid makes vinegar slightly acidic, with a typical pH of 2–3.
People who follow the alkaline diet often worry about how food affects their body’s pH. This is why many advocates use urine pH test strips to test their pH levels.
Like most acidic foods, research shows that vinegar makes your urine more acidic.
However, some people believe that apple cider vinegar makes their body more alkaline.
Apple cider vinegar is produced similarly to other vinegars, using yeast and acetic acid bacteria. The difference is that it is made from apples, while white vinegar is made from diluted alcohol, for example.
This means that apple cider vinegar contains alkaline nutrients like potassium, calcium, magnesium, and more. These can reduce the amount of acid the kidneys need to filter.
As a result, this can raise the pH of the urine, which is why some people believe that apple cider vinegar is alkaline.
Vinegar is slightly acidic, with a pH of 2–3. Apple cider vinegar is slightly more alkaline because it contains more alkaline nutrients. However, it is still acidic.
Is the pH of food important?
In recent years, the alkaline diet has become a health trend. It is based on the idea that different foods can alter your body’s pH.
Proponents believe that eating a diet rich in acidic foods can make your body more acidic and therefore more vulnerable to disease.
Conversely, eating more alkaline-rich foods is thought to be good for treating many illnesses, such as:
Bone Diseases: Proponents of the alkaline diet believe that when your body’s pH is acidic, it uses minerals from your bones to neutralize acidity. However, studies show that there is no link between the two.
Cancers: Acidic environments are known to promote cancer cell growth, which is why advocates believe that acidic foods can promote cancer.
However, the evidence shows that there is no relationship between diet-induced acidosis and cancer.
Muscle loss: Certain conditions, such as metabolic acidosis, have been shown to promote muscle loss. However, some advocates believe that acidic foods may have a similar effect on muscle loss.
Digestive disorders: Eating less acidic foods can ease digestive discomfort. While this is true, it does not treat the most complicated intestinal disorders.
However, there is no evidence that what you eat affects your body’s pH.
If your body’s pH is outside the healthy range, it could have fatal consequences. That is why your body has many mechanisms to tightly regulate the pH balance.
Although food has been shown to affect the pH value of your urine, this only happens because your body removes excess acids in your urine to maintain pH balance.
Also, the pH of your urine can be influenced by factors other than your diet. This makes it a poor indicator of your body’s health and overall pH.
There is no evidence to confirm that the pH of food affects the internal pH of your body. Also, changes in urine pH are a poor indicator of health, as many factors outside of your diet can affect the urine pH level.
Other benefits of vinegar
While vinegars won’t affect your pH, regular consumption can have other benefits.
Some benefits of vinegar include:
May Kill Harmful Bacteria – Vinegar’s acidic properties make it an excellent cleaning and disinfecting agent.
It is also used as a natural food preservative to prevent bacteria, such as E. Coli, from spoiling food.
May Lower Risk Factors for Heart Disease: Several animal studies have shown that vinegar can lower blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, and other risk factors for heart disease.
May Increase Insulin Sensitivity: In patients with type 2 diabetes, vinegars have been shown to increase insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar levels.
May Lower Cancer Risk: Several test-tube and animal studies have found that some vinegars can shrink or kill cancer cells.
May Promote Weight Loss – Studies have shown that vinegars, including apple cider vinegar, can help you lose weight by reducing hunger and reducing calorie intake.
Regular consumption or use of vinegar can benefit your heart, your blood sugar, your weight, and possibly protect you against cancers.
The bottom line
Due to the alkaline nutrients, apple cider vinegar can make the pH of your urine slightly alkaline. Still, all vinegars have an acidic pH, which makes them acidic.
However, the pH of food does not affect your body’s pH, as internal mechanisms keep your body’s levels in tight control to ensure proper function.
The only time your body’s pH falls outside of this range is during certain disease states.
However, vinegars have many other benefits that make them a great addition to your diet.