What is it, and how does it happen?
This condition occurs when a blood clot blocks one or more veins, usually in the legs. Also known as phlebitis, it rarely affects the neck or arms veins.
Deep vein thrombosis occurs when the condition occurs within a muscle because the vein affected by the clot is at a deeper level of the skin.
Because it happens?
There are some reasons why an episode of thrombophlebitis may be triggered, such as:
- Recent surgery.
- Prolonged sedentarism.
- Trauma or blows.
People with a tendency to varicose veins are also a population with a higher risk of developing this condition.
Serious health risks mean that a blood clot affects a deep vein, which can travel to the lungs and clog arteries, causing what is known as pulmonary embolism.
Is there any treatment?
Under normal conditions, doctors prescribe anticoagulant medications to treat superficial and severe thrombophlebitis.
What are your symptoms?
In the case of thrombophlebitis at the superficial level of the skin, it occurs:
- Swelling in the area.
- Redness
- Feeling of heat and pain.
- Sensitivity.
In cases of deep vein thrombosis occurs:
- Swelling in the affected area
- Pain.
In many cases, a thin red rugged cord can be seen under the skin because it is sensitive to pain when the vein becomes inflamed.
Are there some risk factors?
- Confinement in bed for long periods.
- Strokes
- Pacemaker placement.
- Pregnancy.
- Use pills for hormone replacement or contraception.
Family history of blood coagulation disorders or tendency to form blood clots quickly.
Its complications:
– Pulmonary embolism. When a part of the clot breaks, it can travel to the lungs, blocking an artery (embolism), seriously endangering the patient’s life
– Post-thrombotic syndrome. It can occur months or years after a deep vein thrombosis. This causes disabling pain and heaviness in the affected limb.
Other care problems may occur in case the veins in the legs do not work correctly:
– Discoloration of the skin. Discoloration can occur with chronic inflammation and increased pressure on the skin. Sometimes ulcers of the skin can develop. If you suspect a skin ulcer is forming, call your doctor.
– Swelling. Inflammation of the legs can occur due to poor circulation.
– Varicose veins. It also occurs as a result of blood pooling in the veins.
When to consult a doctor?
In case the patient sees a red vein that is inflamed and sensitive, it is necessary to consult the doctor immediately.