A testicular hernia is a type of inguinal hernia in which a loop of the intestine makes its way into the scrotum, making a distinctive lump.
Inguinal hernias, in general, tend to be more common in men than in women because of how male fetuses develop, but testicular hernias are relatively rare.
Like other hernias, the only way to restore it is through surgery that involves placing the bowel in place and repairing the hernia site.
In the case of a testicular hernia, the trapped bowel can sometimes feel painful, presenting a prominence when the patient coughs, which is a valuable tool for diagnosing the affected person.
The doctor usually confirms if it is a hernia through a physical examination by placing a hand on the scrotum and asking the patient to cough; If a lump emerges, the patient has a testicular hernia.
If this condition in the patient is not treated in time, the hernia may end up strangling, which means that the blood supply is interrupted, causing the tissue to die, which is unfavorable for the quality of life, causing several complications of Health.
How are testicular hernias formed?
A baby may have an indirect testicular hernia if the lining of his abdomen does not close entirely while it is developing. What remains is an opening in the upper part of the testicular canal. That’s where a hernia can take shape.
Older adults usually have a direct testicular hernia because the abdominal wall muscles can weaken.
The stress and the gradual weakening of the abdominal muscles eventually make it more likely that something might happen to the testicular channel.
Risk factor’s
It happens in 2% to 3% of baby boys. Approximately 1 in 4 men will have a testicular hernia at some point. It is more common in men older than 40 years.
Abdominal surgery can increase the likelihood of developing a direct testicular hernia. A family history of this condition increases the odds too.
Smokers may be more likely to have testicular hernias and many other health problems.
The hernia is produced by severe tension, poor lifting posture with weights, heavy objects, or vigorous activity.
There may be many causes for a testicular hernia, such as:
- Have a chronic cough or sneezing.
- Strenuous lifting
- Effort during a bowel movement
- Increased pressure in the abdominal cavity is caused by the prostate or other enlargement of the organ.
- A weak point in the wall of the abdomen.
Sometimes there is no apparent cause, and the hernia appears out of the blue one day.
People are often born with a weakness in the abdominal wall, and most are treated with a surgical procedure.
Men can reduce their chances of developing a testicular hernia by learning to lift things or objects safely.
It is recommended to exercise at a reasonable level of comfort that includes the time needed for heating and cooling.
Testicular hernia symptoms
At least in the early stages, a herniated testicle may show distension or testicular swelling, which may indicate that something is wrong.
Testicular torsion is more acute and severe in its symptoms. This type of testicular hernia comes from trauma or the rotation of its various connectors (vas deferens).
Also, a decisive blow in the groin or, in some cases, a growing testicular tumor can cause torsion.
The symptoms of a testicular hernia are acute and sudden, almost immediately, and severe and severe testicular pain (localized in a testicle).
The secondary symptoms can be one or all: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, swelling, redness of the scrotum, and fever.
You may have a direct testicular hernia if:
- You feel pain when you cough, bend or lift something heavy.
- Feel pressure or weakness in the groin.
- It has swelling around the testicles.
- You may be able to gently push the lump up into your abdomen to relieve some of the discomforts.
Consult your doctor if you have symptoms of a testicular hernia. Your doctor will check the groin area for swelling or lumps. He will probably ask you to stop and cough. This can make a hernia more obvious.
If you have not produced any swelling that the doctor can see, you can request imaging tests, such as an abdominal ultrasound, a CT scan, or an MRI.
In some cases, if your hernia is not treated, you may develop a severe complication called “strangulation.”
The small intestine is stuck in the testicular canal and can not be moved or massaged back into the abdomen. As a result of being “strangled,” the intestines lose their blood supply. The affected part of the intestines may stop working.
This is a severe medical emergency. If you have a testicular hernia and your belly or testicles hurt significantly, do not wait; call 911.
The first step is undoubtedly to consult a doctor.
A medical professional’s non-invasive treatment for testicular torsion may involve manipulation (manually untwisting), turning the testicle through the scrotum that covers it.
Although this method can work, it is painful and does not always occur successfully.
Almost any testicular hernia will ultimately require invasive surgery. Proper surgery allows the bowel to be restored to its rightful place in the abdominal cavity.
In addition, a medical mesh may have to be implanted to reinforce the abdominal wall to prevent a recurrence of the hernia.
A belt or armor may also be necessary to provide stability and support.
A diet rich in fiber with lots of vegetables, fresh fruits, and whole grains can help you avoid constipation, leading to painful symptoms.
Surgery can prevent strangulation and is the only way to repair a testicular hernia.
The doctor may do this through a small cut in your belly using a unique procedure called laparoscopy, which means that it probably hurts less and heals faster than traditional surgery.
A testicular hernia can be pretty painful, but it is treatable. If you think you have one, consult your doctor. It will not improve on its own.
You may also be interested: Prostatitis or Inflamed Prostate.
Prevention of testicular hernia
You can not help but be born with a weaker abdominal wall. But you can take steps to avoid problems due to this, such as not smoking and keeping your weight under control.
If you have abdominal surgery, take the following precautions:
- Use your legs, not your back, when lifting objects.
- Avoid lifting heavy things.
- Try not to force when you are doing some physiological need.