What is Rosacea: Causes and Treatment

Synonym: acne rosacea.

Rosacea is a chronic skin disease that causes the face turns red, which can also cause swelling and inflammation of the skin that resembles acne.

Causes of Rosacea

It is a harmless condition, but it can make a person feel shame and insecurity; the cause is still unknown. You may be more likely to have Rosacea if:

  • He is between 30 and 50 years old.
  • Have clear skin
  • For women, it occurs more frequently (but men usually have more severe symptoms).
  • Rosacea leads to swelling of blood vessels just below the skin. It may also be associated with other skin disorders (Seborrheic Acne) or eye disorders (blepharitis, keratitis).


Usually, the doctor can diagnose Rosacea through questions about your medical history.

The coexisting symptoms of Rosacea:

– Redness of the face.

-Sonoco or easy redness.

-Many blood vessels resemble spiders (telangiectasia) on the face.

-Nose red (called bulbous nose).

Inflammations of the skin, such as acne, can form scabs and places with drainage.

Burning or stinging sensation on the face.

-The eyes are moist, red, and irritated.

The treatment for Rosacea

There is no known cure for Rosacea. Your doctor will help you identify the things that worsen the symptoms. These are the so-called triggering agents. Avoiding these triggers can help prevent or reduce the symptoms of Rosacea.


Here are some steps that can help soften or prevent symptoms:

  • Avoid exposure to the sun.
  • Use sunscreen every day.
  • Avoid excess activity in hot water.
  • Try to reduce stress. Try relaxation exercises, yoga, or other techniques that will help.
  • Limit spicy foods, alcohol, and hot drinks.

Their appearance may vary from person to person, just as the triggers may relate to aspects such as wind, hot showers, living instead of low temperatures, unique skin-use products, and physical activity, among other agents.

Some prescription antibiotics are to be taken orally (such as tetracycline, minocycline, or doxycycline) or applied to the skin (such as metronidazole) and can control skin conditions such as acne. Other drugs (retinol or isotretinoin), which are similar to vitamin A, are more powerful alternatives that the doctor can take into account, in addition to following the treatment under the supervision of the professional.

The Rosacea is not acne and will not improve with standard acne treatments. In severe cases, laser surgery helps minimize redness. The option of surgery to remove inflamed tissue from the nose can also improve symptoms and appearance.


Rosacea is a harmless condition, but it can make a person feel embarrassed to appear in public and may eventually produce insecurity. This can be a long-term (chronic) problem. It can not be cured, but you can control the symptoms with treatment.

The possible complications

  • Permanent changes in appearance (e.g., swollen and red nose).
  • Loss of self-esteem, Therefore, a follow-up with a mental health professional is recommended.