The pineapple diet is fast and lasts 2 to 5 days.
This fruit is low in calories and contains an enzyme called bromelain, which can activate the immune system, burn fat, and fight diseases.
Pineapple contains a wide variety of enzymes that have regenerative properties in the cells of the body, are anti-aging and rejuvenating agents, help eliminate cancer cells and fight viruses.
It has a high content of vitamins C, B1, B2, B12, A, PP, and minerals such as Calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, iodine, and zinc.
The consumption of pineapple helps produce serotonin, or the hormone of happiness, which fights stress, anxiety, and depression and accelerates the metabolism to achieve fat loss.
The manganese content in pineapple is very high, making it an excellent treatment for thyroid disorders.
It also has a large number of electrolytes that help regulate the heart’s rhythm, causing blood to flow through the circulatory system, decreasing the risks of stroke and heart problems.
Regulates nerve transfer and contraction of muscles.
Mechanism of action of the pineapple diet
The pineapple diet is a very restrictive weight loss regime.
The basis of this diet is the negative calories of pineapples; its fiber is dietary.
Consuming foods that contain negative calories leads to rapid weight loss.
On the other hand, this diet presumes that the pineapple constitutes a natural diuretic, which means that it will not contribute to the retention of liquids; on the contrary, it will help its elimination.
And finally, the enzymes and phytonutrients that the pineapple contains, the bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme, have digestive and cleansing functions in the digestive tract and the colon, guaranteeing adequate digestion.
All this contributes to the loss of weight.
Types of diet
Joann Metzger was the one who developed the diet of the pineapple, there are many variations in the diet, but the foundation is the same: the action of the enzymes of the pineapple in the organism.
Among these variations, we have:
Fast detox with pineapple diet
This diet lasts one day; it is a detoxifying diet, which helps after consuming too much food and drinks. And the following should be finished in one day:
- Breakfast: 3 pineapple wheels.
- Lunch: Chicken broth and 6 to 8 pineapple wheels.
- Dinner: Chicken consommé and six pineapple wheels.
5-day pineapple diet plan – Menu
The first meal in this diet is the usual person breakfast, and the proposed menu for lunch and dinner is followed.
You can eat the pineapple you want as snacks.
A lot of water should be consumed, and the dinner should be made three hours before going to bed.
Day 1
- Lunch: A cup of rice with herbs and curry.
- Dinner: Two small baked potatoes, one cup of pineapple, one cup of nonfat plain yogurt, or you can consume cottage cheese.
Day 2
- Lunch: chicken with pineapple. Mature chicken with soy sauce, sauté cubed chicken with olive oil and curry, add red pepper and pineapple pieces, and sauté until cooked.
- Dinner: One cup of pineapple, three ounces of shrimp, mixed vegetable salad, cucumber, celery, and low-fat dressing.
Day 3
- Lunch: Pineapple salad with red paprika, mixed vegetables, and tomatoes, seasoned with olive oil and lemon.
- Dinner: Three ounces of grilled or grilled fish, some lettuce leaves, a slice of wholemeal bread, and a cup of pineapple.
Day 4
- Lunch: Chicken salad with pineapple. Mix chicken on the grill with pineapple, cut into pieces, red paprika, mayonnaise with curry powder and garlic, and romaine lettuce.
- Dinner: Celery soup, sauté in a spoonful of non-dairy margarine onion, chopped garlic, chopped fresh thyme, pineapple, and celery, add vegetable broth to cook, and add a little wheat flour or cornstarch to thicken. 1 cup of pineapple
Day 5
- Lunch: A cup of pineapple with two slices of toast.
- Dinner: Two tablespoons of cooked rice with pineapple in pieces.
Chicken and pineapple diet
This diet of pineapple and chicken is recommended to do it for nine days.
This regime is straightforward: On days 1, 2, and 3, only eat roasted or boiled chicken meat; on days 4, 5, and 6, you eat only fresh pineapples, and on days 7, 8, and 9 you mix chicken and pineapple.
A lot of green tea and water should be consumed.
You can add 4 cups of defatted plain yogurt each day.
Pineapple and tuna diet
This diet lasts three days; the basis is to eat: only fresh pineapple on the first day of the diet.
On the second and third days, you should consume a lot of fresh pineapples accompanied by two cans of tuna to the natural.
Pineapples should be eaten in segments throughout the day.
This diet requires high consumption of water.
A sample of this diet could be:
- Breakfast: At 8:00 am, 660 grams of pineapple.
- Lunch: At noon m, 330 grams of tuna cooked in the oven or on the grill and 330 g of pineapple.
- Refreshment after lunch: At 4:00 pm, 330 g of pineapple.
- Dinner: at 7:00 pm, 660 g of pineapple.
Advantages of the pineapple diet
The advantages of pineapple-based diets are mainly rapid weight loss, the diet scheme is simple, the meals do not require complex elaborations, and the foods are healthy and easy to find.
Disadvantages of pineapple diet
The pineapple diet is a very restrictive regime and only loses weight in water; in principle, it seems that if it works, in a few days, you lose a lot of weight, but everything is water.
Produces the rebound effect: After you have lost a lot of weight, you return to your regular diet to your weight gain.
Following it for longer than recommended leads to nutritional deficiencies.
Pineapple is rich in acid, and its prolonged consumption causes heartburn, so it is not recommended for people with digestive tract problems.