It is an Assisted Reproduction treatment that provides the opportunity to have a child for women who can not develop an embryo.
Ovodonation is a procedure performed by medical specialists to offer women who can not be fertilized due to infertility or incompatibility in the process of fertilization to develop an embryo that is the result of a donor’s ovules and the sperm of their partner.
In this way, women who could not otherwise experience the process of motherhood from its origin, thanks to the donation of ovules, can live pregnancy, childbirth, and lactation when before there was no possibility of having children.
Indications for an ova donation
Women who present complications to become pregnant should exhaust all resources before undergoing an ova donation process, which is subject to the following parameters for its realization:
- A specialist doctor must support and validate that the affected woman can not get pregnant through the natural process.
- Women with advanced age.
- Ovarian failure due to menopause.
- Presenting early ovarian failures or ovarian surgery.
- Their oocytes are impaired or have a hereditary disease that prevents fertilization and can not be detected by generic diagnostic techniques.
- In vitro fertilization procedures have failed repeatedly without obtaining favorable results.
- She has presented several cases of spontaneous abortions in the first months of pregnancy.
- The ovaries are prone to not getting oocytes.
- Offers chromosomal alterations or genetic malformations in their embryos.
Antecedents of ovodonation
Among the various reasons for infertility is the increasing increase in delayed maternity in developed countries, such as lifestyle, genetic problems, diseases adopted over time, and continuous work stress.
That is why by increasing the cases of problems with conceiving by ovarian or testicular factors, the oocyte or even sperm donation procedure was created.
Why is an ovarian failure generated?
This failure occurs when the menstrual process does not start at puberty and can be caused by: Swyer’s syndrome, Turner syndrome, savage or resistant ovary syndrome).
The case of premature ovarian failure can also be presented. This occurs when ovarian functions are absent before the age of 40, with menses that begin with irregularities until they disappear.
The causes of this condition can have their origin in hereditary patterns, autoimmune disorders, enzymatic alterations, or infections by sexually transmitted diseases or other pathologies.
Aspects of being considered for an egg donation
Women who want to perform this procedure should consult a specialist about the possible consequences, as well as if they have some fear related to genetics and acceptance of the future child.
The usual thing is that every woman who accepts an egg donation must undergo psychological counseling and personalized advice by a specialist in this type of case, depending on the patient’s needs.
You can not leave aside that there are biological patterns that are genetic and others that originate in pregnancy.
On the other hand, the personality, behavior, and psychological characteristics of the baby are defined by the link with the mother after the birth and upbringing of the baby.
About donors
Women who wish to donate their eggs so that another woman can live the maternal process should also seek advice from specialists in the area and a psychological one.
This is to certify that it meets the requirements and necessary parameters required to be part of an egg donation program.
The donor of ovules must submit a survey of their family history, style, and condition of life and present a medical history that supports a good state of health and family medical history.
Couples who want to undergo various treatments to combat or attack infertility must undergo multiple treatments and studies ranging from the simplest to the most complex to exhaust all resources before heading to an egg donation.