What Lactobacilli Are and What They Siven: Beneficial Effects and Types


Nowadays, you can notice how the dairy industries, especially yogurt, are powerful marketing around lactobacilli and their benefit. Probiotics are viable microorganisms (including bacteria and yeasts of lactic acid in the form of lyophilized cells or fermented products to have a beneficial effect on the host’s health after ingestion due to the properties it helps improve the intestinal microflora.

Probiotic microbial supplements significantly increase the therapeutic and nutritional value of foods. The term “probiotic” is of Greek origin and means “for life” it has been used in various ways in recent years.

The lactobacilli are live microorganisms that, in specific concentrations, provide health benefits to the person through the balance of intestinal flora.

To be considered probiotic, the microorganism must have specific characteristics:

  • Be an inhabitant of the intestines.
  • Get alive to the intestines.

Lactobacilli and their beneficial effects

There are several types of lactobacilli, each with a specific action and specific work on the site. Often they are prescribed different lactobacilli and can be found even in food; then, we will talk a little about each of them:

Types of Lactobacilli

  1. Bifidum Lactobacilo

It is part of the beneficial microflora that produces acid to reduce the pH of the intestine and delay the colonization of undesirable bacteria.

  • It helps in the healthy function of the liver.
  • Promotes the synthesis of group B vitamins
  • It regulates the peristaltic movements of the intestine.
  • It occurs in the absorption of minerals, especially calcium.
  • It helps in the release of digestive waste.
  • Dosage: 250 and 750 mg/day, divided into three doses.
  1. Lactobacilos Acidophillus

They are natural acid-producing bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, which creates an unfavorable environment for the growth of fungi and other bacteria. These are responsible for:


  • Produce a characteristic flora with acid.
  • Produce lactic acid for the fermentation of carbohydrates.
  • Restores the bacterial flora of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It is used as a vaginal acidifier.
  • Dosage: 20 to 40 mg per day, orally, 20 mg, free use.
  1. Lactobacillus Case

They are anaerobic microorganisms present in the intestine and the mouths of humans. It survives in a wide range of pH and temperature. He’s in charge of:

  • Acidify and protect the intestine.
  • Produce lactic acid, which helps to avoid the presence of bacteria in the human body.
  • It helps in the growth of Lactobacilli Acidophilus, producing the enzyme amylase (a digestive enzyme). Therefore, it helps improve digestion.
  • It helps reduce milk intolerance.
  • According to medical prescription, the dosage: is 1.6 billion CFU, one to three times a day.
  1. Lactobacilos Bulgaricus

Due to their beneficial effect on the digestive system, the bacteria are usually used for the production of yogurt.

  • It helps stop the growth of yeast in the intestine.
  • It helps to produce lactase.
  • It regulates the peristaltic movements of the intestine.
  • Acidifies the intestine and inhibits the growth of undesirable microorganisms.
  • It helps digest complex carbohydrates and proteins.
  • Dosage: 200 mg per day (contains approximately two billion CFU).
  1. Lactobacilos Rhamnosus

Several forms of sugars are lactic acid bacteria that are relatively resistant to bile salts, ferment and produce lactic acid. These are responsible for:

  • Acidify and protect the small intestine.
  • Have an advantage in the competition with pathogenic bacteria.
  • They operate in the treatment of excess nitric oxide.
  • They are used in the detoxification of heavy metals.
  • According to medical prescription, dosage: 100 to 600 million CFU, three or four times a day.