General information about the Klebsiella SPP
The history of bacteria is so vast that it could be said that they are responsible for having contributed to the creation of the world millions of years ago. But this would be an exaggeration.
It would not be that bacteria have had a presence on earth for millennia since its creation. And that the wide range of them are swarming everywhere.
Some are more harmful than others. Some continue to be studied by entire communities of scientists, paying attention to their mutations.
One of these bacteria is Klebsiella SPP, which we will define in this note. Let’s see.
Definitions of the klebsiella SPP
The Klebsiella SPP is a species (literally) of bacteria surrounded by a capsule that is visible thanks to a unique laboratory technique: Gram staining.
This bacterium belongs to the Enterobacteriaceae family, and it becomes pathogenic (causing disease) only under certain conditions, for example, when an individual is weakened.
Klebsiella species most commonly isolated in humans is Klebsiella pneumoniae, which is naturally present in specific organs such as the digestive tract or lungs. Still, its action is generally well controlled by the body, hence the absence of infection.
However, this bacterium can become “aggressive” under certain conditions, especially when the body is immunosuppressed; the immune system is reduced.
It can cause angina, lung infections, urinary infections, or more widespread infections.
The bacterium Klebsiella SPP, also called Friedländer bacteria, is part of the intestinal flora and may be responsible for urinary and respiratory infections.
Bacteria can only cause disease if the person is already vulnerable and weakened. Usually, antibiotics are enough to cure and eliminate the bacterium Klebsiella SPP.
The subcategory of Klebsiella pneumoniae is a bacterium that affects the respiratory tract and the lungs. It can cause recurrent diseases such as tonsillitis, bronchitis, etc., and they are especially vulnerable: the elderly, sick children, diabetics, or alcoholics.
For several years, doctors and researchers have found that the bacterium Klebsiella SPP, particularly Klebsiella pneumonia, has been increasingly resistant to antibiotics.
In hospitals or clinics, if a carrier of Klebsiella pneumonia transmits this bacterium, it can affect the respiratory tract or surgical wounds of exposed patients.
In the latter case, we speak of nosocomial infections, that is, infections contracted in the hospital or the clinic that are not due directly to the disease for which we are being treated.
The word “nosocomial” comes from the fusion of two Greek words, “noses”: disease, and “komeîn”: to cure.
The bacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae has become more resistant, so the fight against this bacterium is also becoming more and more difficult.
The first instruction to limit the damage is to wash your hands properly with soap.
This germ is the cause of certain respiratory tract infections such as those of the lungs, and more specifically of the bronchi and angina in fragile subjects such as diabetics, the elderly, or alcoholics.
Recently, it has been shown that this bacterium is resistant to several antibiotics, such as the third-generation cephalosporins and the most recent aminoglycosides.
This resistance is because Klebsiella SPP is the preferred host of certain elements called plasmids. Plasmids are bodies formed from a fragment of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) unrelated to the chromosome.
And they are naturally present in certain organs such as the digestive tract or the lungs, but their action is usually well controlled by the body, hence the absence of infection.
Pathophysiology of Klebsiella SPP
Klebsiella pneumoniae can cause community-acquired pneumonia, mainly in patients over 40 years of age, with a defect such as alcoholism, lung disease, or diabetes, among others.
Klebsiella pneumoniae, with other bacteria belonging to the same group, is the cause of infection of the bile ducts and surgical wounds.
Rhinoscleroma is a less frequent disease caused by bacteria close to Klebsiella pneumonia.
This disease affects patients and is characterized by swelling, the hardness of the cartilage of the nasal passages, the upper lip, and the septum of the nose.
It is a chronic granulomatous disease that reaches the lining of the upper respiratory tract (layer of cells that covers the inside of these organs) and can eventually invade the bone tissue, causing airway obstruction.
The germ in question is the Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis, also called Frisch bacillus.
Klebsiella SPP also occurs in the urine and is the cause of urinary infections sometimes acquired in the hospital (nosocomial condition), particularly in certain services at risk, such as surgery, resuscitation, or long-term benefits.
It seems that inadequate cleaning of the hands of the hospital staff, together with poor sterilization of the objects used, as well as an altered anatomical barrier is sufficiently valid to explain this phenomenon.
The alteration of the anatomical barriers may be due to extensive burns or therapeutic interventions (tracheotomy, intubation, urinary catheter, intravenous catheter, prosthesis, etc.)
The multiplication defines the urinary tract infection and, therefore, the presence of more than 100 000 (10 5) germs per ml of a urine sample collected in the middle of urination, i.e., during the emission of urine.
Treatment of Klebsiella SPP
Klebsiella SPP is a species of bacteria, of which the best-known subtype is Klebsiella pneumoniae.
The antibiogram, after sampling, allows determining with precision the antibiotic (s) active (s) against the Klebsiella SPP.