How to have a healthy life

For some people, leading a healthy life is simply avoiding illness. The concept is much broader and goes beyond. Today we know that many factors influence health, such as the relationship within the family and at work, the place where one lives, the emotional state, and even the spiritual condition of the body. If all this is not harmonious, the person gets sick more easily. So to lead a healthier life, you have to find a point of balance, which is obtained with the values ​​of physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being.

Wellness (mental, physical, and emotional balance) means that the person feels comfortable with himself; it is also a term used to refer to the healthy balance between body, mind, and spirit. This feeling depends on many factors. Each person’s genetic predisposition is one of those factors:

  • The environment in which we live.
  • Attention to health.
  • The psychological disposition to face life.

So a person who wants to have physical well-being, it is necessary to learn to prevent diseases, so healthy habits should be practiced, such as having a good routine in the dream and the goodwill to achieve everything you want to achieve. It is essential to learn the basics of preparing nutritious meals with healthy foods and the correct habits and schedules for a good meal.

Mental well-being allows for an emotional balance and a good family life. Stress, depression, nervousness, and anger, above all, block the immune system, reduce defenses against diseases, and produce mental weakness. Social welfare is achieved with adequate housing, access to medical care, a sense of personal safety, working conditions, and good income.

Some people obtain spiritual well-being through prayer and the practice of religion. Others reach spirituality when they are in contact with nature or when practicing meditation. Each person has their way of exercising their spirituality. The important thing is to have inner peace since, in that way, decisions about the directions of life can be made more clearly and in a prudent manner. In this search for spiritual well-being, the person must keep in mind that he must begin by covering the closest people in their relationships to provide collective well-being.

Many people do not know, but the fullness of healthy life is achieved only through personal decisions; it is necessary to love, seek, and strive for good health. Achieving a healthy life can be a simple task as long as you desire since planning, direction, and priorities change habits.


The change to a healthy lifestyle is not urgent, but it is a priority. The practice of healthy life will pave individual growth and help pursue happiness. It can be practiced by everyone, at any stage of life, even by people who have had some previous illness.

Therefore, leading a healthy life goes beyond having an adequate diet, good humor, and stress management. Stable emotional relationships significantly influence health, job satisfaction, and safety.

Genetic inheritance usually can not be changed. Our genes carry the information presented since birth as the possibility of long or short life and the incidence of diseases that often can not be avoided. However, with updated knowledge of medicine or even changing the place we live, avoiding, for example, local environmental pollution, we can influence and change the trajectory of a particular type of discomfort or even disease.

Today we know that we can transform harmful habits into several health factors. This processing capacity can be crucial for a longer and healthier life.

The concern for our health must be transmitted from the mother to the child, which shows how important it is to practice good nutrition and mental, social, spiritual, and physical well-being. In addition, it is essential to make evaluations with medical and laboratory tests since many details are involved in achieving a healthy life; we know that only planning does not obtain success.

Initially, like any planning project, you may think that it will require time, resources, and money. Many people can claim that they do not have any of these prerequisites to start this project. However, in a change of attitude and habits to lead a healthy life, do not need to spend money; on the contrary, it can even be saved. A person who leads a healthy life and lives longer saves money, avoids diseases, and avoids medical treatment that consists of buying medicine. So, leading a healthy life can generate more time, resources, and money to live better. This planning is an investment in life, with a guarantee of success when appropriately practiced.

Many people have different concerns, work, family, and relationships, but forget to think about their health or prevent diseases. We know that people who manage to reach maturity are at a higher risk of getting sick, especially those who have not made disease prevention a habit in the past. Many diseases begin in youth but will only manifest in middle age.

Medical science offers women an unprecedented opportunity to live longer and better. However, the woman has to make certain decisions toward a healthy life for that to happen. The result of the development of medicine in recent years is the increase in life expectancy. In Europe and the United States, women live more, on average, more than 80 years. In Latin America, the average life expectancy is 72 years. Therefore, a child born today can have a life expectancy beyond 80 years.

People can make some simple decisions that can improve health. One frequently exercises, changes the diet to include more fruits and vegetables, and reduces fats and sweets. In addition, periodic medical check-ups for the early detection of diseases are essential. Many already use alternative means to improve health, such as meditation and massage, to reduce stress. Others modify the diet to reduce symptoms, and acupuncture is increasingly recognized to enhance the body and pain.

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading causes of death in women. Approximately one in three women over the age of 40 will develop heart disease. Inadequate diets and sedentary lifestyles favor the onset of cardiovascular diseases. Women who are overweight have a higher risk of hypertension, diabetes, and arthritis.

Health begins in pregnancy, in the womb, through good prenatal care. A healthy life at maturity is the impact of life led in youth, proper nutrition, exercise, and healthy habits in mind and body; a healthy life will depend on it.

If each person plans a healthy life from childhood to adolescence, the high rates of heart disease and cancer, for example, will be reduced in adulthood and maturity.

Proper nutrition is essential in the early stages of life, beginning with the intrauterine phase and following through childhood and adolescence. The intake of an adequate diet containing magnesium, vitamin D, potassium, milk, and dairy products rich in calcium, will provide a skeleton with a more reserved bone mass to live for many years, being crucial for preventing osteoporosis. It is widespread in women after menopause.

If you have not started planning a healthy life, it is never too late to start planning it. As there are no shortcuts in this path of good health, you can not harvest what was not planted; we always reap what we sow. So do not delay; start by looking for a planting area for your good health, and then do the planting. Take care of your garden frequently; you can have many crops to increase the quality of a healthy life.

All this effort and daily well-being are what we call happiness. Happiness is not the ultimate goal. Happiness is all the way, the day-to-day, the trajectory of our whole life.