Triglyceride levels above average values can trigger many serious health problems.
We often listen to them, especially when we have routine blood tests. We may not know that triglycerides are fats that circulate in our bloodstream. The fats in the blood are formed when we eat foods rich in fat and calories.
We can always measure our triglyceride levels using a blood test, measured with total cholesterol, bad cholesterol (LDL), and good cholesterol (HDL). All this analysis of fats in the blood is known as lipid or lipid profiles.
It is essential to take a blood sample at least twice a year to know our cholesterol and triglycerides levels, which is essential because hyperlipidemia is a silent condition. After all, generally, the high levels of these values are altered, and we show no symptoms.
We can know if our triglycerides are very high when their level is 500 milligrams per deciliter (mg / Dl) or even higher.
When this happens, our body begins to suffer the consequences, leading to inflammation of the pancreas and liver, which increases the chances of associated cardiovascular accidents and heart attacks.
Here are some warning signs that you can take into account if you suspect that you have high cholesterol and triglycerides:
# 1: Pancreatitis: Among its symptoms are vomiting, nausea, fever, accelerated breathing, tachycardia, and severe abdominal pain.
# 2 Xanthomas: These are small deposits of fat located under the skin. They can measure up to three inches, which must be another one of our very high cholesterol or triglyceride warning signs. These usually appear in the ankles, buttocks, back, elbows, and knees.
When the levels of triglycerides and cholesterol are very high is a grave matter; in the worst cases, this causes blockage of the blood supply to the heart, causing symptoms such as pain in the chest or the brain causing dizziness, blurred vision, severe headaches, limb numbness, among other symptoms.
As we already know, there is no explicit warning signal when high triglycerides and cholesterol levels. However, until one of the mentioned problems occurs, the best recommendation is to perform a blood test or lipid profile every five years.
Remember that it is always essential to talk with our doctor at any alarm signal. Today, there are many ways to control our blood fat levels with exercise and a healthier diet, which probably require medication to regulate our levels in case they are very high.
To take into account:
- We can have high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides without showing symptoms.
- Xanthomas can be a warning sign.
- The high levels of fat in our blood lead to dangerous health problems.
- Always consult your trusted doctor.