Sliding Hiatal Hernia, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Definition: a hiatus or hiatal hernia is when the upper part of the stomach slides upward in the chest, squeezing it through an opening in the diaphragm called the hiatus.

This type of hernia is more common in people older than 50 years.

Symptoms of hiatal hernia

Most hiatus hernias do not cause any symptoms, but if they do occur, it is unlikely to become serious.

A sliding hiatus hernia can cause a problem called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This is when the acid or bile in the stomach rises back up into the esophagus. The most common symptom of HRGE is burning in the stomach, which causes a sensation of heat or burning in the chest. The burning sensation and heartburn can go down to the throat.

You may be more likely to notice heartburn after smoking, drinking alcohol or coffee, or eating chocolate. It can also get worse when you bend or when you are lying down.

Other symptoms of hiatus hernia include

  • Feeling dizzy or sick
  • Coughing or wheezing when breathing, especially at night. This is caused by the inhalation of acid that has arisen from your stomach.
  • Mouth filled with saliva.
  • Difficulty or pain when swallowing


If your GP thinks you might have a hiatus hernia, he or she will ask about your symptoms. You can also refer it to a gastroenterologist (a doctor who specializes in identifying and treating diseases that affect the digestive system) for testing. Some of the tests that the specialist can order are listed below.

Endoscopy (also called gastroscopy). This test is performed using a narrow and flexible camera similar to a telescopic tube called an endoscope. The endoscope is passed down into the stomach through the mouth. Your doctor is able to see your esophagus and stomach on a screen. He or she can also take a biopsy (a tissue sample) at the same time and stretch any narrowing that has been caused by acid reflux.
Sometimes, the doctor will arrange for you to have a barium x-ray. You may need this if you can not perform the endoscopy.

Treatment of hiatal hernia

The treatment of hiatus hernia in general aims to relieve the symptoms of acid reflux . The treatment you need will depend on the severity of your symptoms or how much they are affecting you.

Personal effort

You can reduce the symptoms of a hiatus hernia and avoid more problems by making the following lifestyle changes.

  • If you are overweight or obese, lose excess weight.
  • Consume small meals frequently and try not to eat right before going to bed.
  • Quitting smoking and reducing alcohol consumption will help you.
  • Wear loose and comfortable clothing.
  • Raise the head of your bed and try not to lean or bend over.
  • Reduce your intake or stop eating foods or drinks that make your symptoms worse.


You can take medications to help reduce the symptoms of reflux from a sliding hiatus hernia. The most common are antacids, which are those that work by neutralizing the acid in the stomach. The two main types that can be prescribed are called H2 receptor antagonists and proton pump inhibitors. Both reduce the amount of acid produced by the stomach .