It is a circular device that is connected to a probe.
A Hemovac surgical drain is a tube used to remove pus, blood, or other fluids that collect in a wound after surgery that can become a source of infection.
The routine use of drains for surgical procedures is declining as better radiological investigation and confidence in surgical techniques have reduced its need.
A Hemovac drain is a circular mechanism attached to a tube, the other end of the line is inserted into a small cut in your skin, called the drainage site, by one or more stitches to hold it in place.
The Hemovac drain removes fluids by creating a vacuum by suctioning the tube.
The circular device is initially crushed and expands as it fills with fluid.
This tube placed in the incision to remove the fluid is attached to a drain or collection device.
This mechanism will aid healing and reduce the risks of infection. Fluid and blood will be seen in the drain.
It is normal to feel a slight burning and pull on the stitch that holds the tube in place. The drain will be removed when the fluid leaking from it is less than two tablespoons per day.
The bandage at the site where the tube is placed protects the open area from infection.
Your stitches will be removed 7 to 14 days after surgery.
Hemovac Drain Specifications
- It is used for efficient postoperative drainage of closed internal wounds to prevent infection or bruising. It can be used to prolong the suction.
- The sizeable 600ml bottom chamber provides long-lasting suction.
- It is a complete device with all the necessary accessories, curved needles, clamps, drain tubes, connectors, hanging devices, and connections.
- The perforated drainage system is non-toxic, non-irritating medical grade PVC with an opaque radio line for X-ray position verification.
- If stored under proper conditions, it is guaranteed sterility for five years, and the package is undamaged and unopened.
Drain handling
The drain should be emptied when it is half full or every 4 to 8 hours, following the instructions below:
- Hands should be washed with soap and water.
- The plug is removed from the top of the drain.
- The fluid is poured into a measuring container.
- The cap should be cleaned with alcohol.
- The drain is tightened and reconnected.
- The drain should be kept flat until it begins to fill with fluid again.
- Care must be taken that the tubing is not bent or kinked.
- The amount of fluid is measured, and control is made of the date and time it was collected to keep a record.
Problems that can occur with a Hemovac drain
- You may feel some discomfort at your drainage site.
- You may have trouble lying on the side with the drain.
- The drainage site may be leaking.
- The tubing can become blocked or broken, and it can also damage the tissue.
- It can leave a scar.
- The drainage site can become infected and spread the infection within the body.
Alert situations
- When there is bleeding at the drainage site.
- When there is a sudden change in the color of the drain.
- The drainage fluid changes from blood to a milky white, yellow, or cloudy brown color or has a foul odor at the drainage site.
- When the fluid stops draining suddenly.
- Drainage should decrease gradually, not abruptly.
- If there are fevers over 38.6 ° C and chills.
- If there is increased pain, redness, or swelling around the drain insertion site.
- When less than 30 milliliters are drained in 24 hours.
Correction of problems with drainage
If the drain tube becomes temporarily clogged or does not drain properly, you should:
- Bend the tubing over your fingers.
- Gently squeeze the line between your thumb and forefinger, moving your fingers along the line toward the suction bottle to help dislodge the blockage or blood clot.