They are swollen and swollen veins in the rectum and anus; they are pretty standard during pregnancy.
They are painful; they can persist and often worsen as the pregnancy progresses.
When the woman is pregnant, circulating blood around the body increases.
There are also high levels of the hormone progesterone that relax the walls of blood vessels.
Approximately one in four mothers has hemorrhoids in the weeks after childbirth, but it is usually a minor problem, not serious.
After the birth of the baby, they can:
- Disappear on your own.
- One year after delivery, it remains a minor problem (one in seven women).
- They become a major problem (one in 40 women).
Although hemorrhoids are the most common cause of bleeding, the doctor should check for any bleeding from the lower part.
Hemorrhoids occur when the pad-shaped blood vessels in the short tube connect the rectum’s posterior duct with the anus swell.
These swollen vessels may hang during or after defecation.
They may feel like small, soft bumps just inside or around the edge of the rectum, and they can be painful.
The veins below the uterus are more likely to swell and stretch as the growing baby’s weight puts pressure on them.
That is why women may be more prone to suffer from hemorrhoids and varicose veins when pregnant.
Hemorrhoids also appear in pregnant women due to the hormonal changes in the body.
Hemorrhoids occur predominantly in the third trimester and probably affect about one in 10 women but usually resolve quickly after the baby is born.
It can also develop during the stage of labor when it is bid to help the baby’s birth.
They can result from constipation in the weeks after childbirth, when the body becomes dehydrated during labor and when breast milk is being produced for the baby.
Hemorrhoids can be small and asymptomatic, or they can be large and painful.
Pain or bleeding, especially during bowel movements, may be the first sign of hemorrhoids, which can be very alarming.
Other symptoms of hemorrhoids are:
- Presence of bright red blood in the stool.
- Pain and swelling around the anus can make going to the bathroom uncomfortable.
- Discharge of mucus with stool.
- Sensation to defecate even immediately after having done it.
- She is itching around the anus.
Hemorrhoids and constipation
Hemorrhoids that occur during pregnancy are further aggravated by constipation.
The passage of hard stools damages the already inflamed tissue, and the effort of the intestine can cause the formation of more hemorrhoids.
Avoiding constipation is, therefore, important during the later stages of pregnancy. There are several ways in which it can be prevented:
- Eat a diet high in fiber that includes 25 to 30 grams of dietary fiber per day: fruits, vegetables, whole wheat bread, bran, and breakfast cereal.
- Drink plenty of fluids, especially water.
- Moderate the use of caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, or cola.
- Avoid alcohol (contraindicated in pregnancy).
- Avoid fried foods, high-fat dairy products, chips, cookies, cakes, and processed foods.
- Eat dried fruits and drink plum juice.
If you already have constipation, try using an enema of warm water to help evacuate the intestines. It can help minimize abrasion while avoiding the effort that can make the situation worse.
You can resort to laxatives and stool softeners for short-term relief if necessary.
Constipation is the most common side effect associated with iron supplements, so you should consult your doctor.
In addition to trying the above tips, you probably need to try other remedies for hemorrhoids:
- Use a cold compress to relieve pain.
- Thoroughly and thoroughly clean the affected area after each evacuation.
- Cleaning with wet wipes can be more comfortable than using toilet paper.
- Try gently pushing the hemorrhoids back into the rectum with a clean finger when taking a bath or a shower.
- Soothing ointments or suppositories are recommended to relieve pain and inflammation. The gynecologist should prescribe these not to produce adverse effects on the fetus.
- If creams and suppositories do not help, severe cases can be treated with bands, where a rubber band is placed around the base of the hemorrhoid. This cuts off circulation to him, causing him to wilt and fall.
- Injection with chemicals that cause hemorrhoids to shrink and fall.
- Use of infrared light
In most cases, the hemorrhoids disappear or decrease as the body recovers after the baby’s birth.
Although hemorrhoids are common in pregnancy and after childbirth, they are not inevitable. The best tactic is to ensure that you do not have constipation, to facilitate the evacuations.
The following tips help prevent hemorrhoids, as well as relieve symptoms:
- Eat a diet high in fiber, which includes whole grain bread, cereals, whole-wheat pasta and brown rice, and many fruits and vegetables.
- Drink between six and eight glasses of water every day; do not consume caffeine to avoid dehydration.
- Try to exercise regularly, even if it is a short and energetic walk.
- Evacuate when you feel like it because waiting can make the stools more complex and drier.
- Try not to force while you are evacuating.
- Try to put your feet on a chair when evacuating.
- Massage the muscular area between the vagina and the posterior passage (perineum) while defecating. This stimulates a reflex that increases muscle tone in the rectum and can make defecation easier.
- Do exercises on the pelvic floor daily. This can make evacuations more accessible and prevent hemorrhoids from developing. This increases circulation around the lower part and strengthens the muscles of the vagina, perineum, and rectum.
- Sitting or standing for long periods only exerts additional pressure on the pelvis during pregnancy and can lead to the development or worsening of hemorrhoids.
- When sitting at a desk for hours, you should get up every 30 minutes to stretch and walk. On the other hand, if you need to stand for long periods, you should sit on a stool at the height of the bar.
- Exercising keeps waste moving through the intestines instead of allowing it to consolidate and harden. You should concentrate on moderate exercise and avoid exercises such as weightlifting squats that can exert excessive pressure on the anus and rectum.