Hemorrhagic stroke or hemorrhagic stroke does not compromise the cerebral artery.
It should be taken into account that a hemorrhagic stroke is caused by the breaking of a blood vessel which causes bleeding inside the brain. Unlike a hemorrhagic stroke, ischemic stroke results from an obstruction of the artery and not the breaking of a vessel.
Bleeding can occur within brain tissue (intracerebral hemorrhagic stroke), the most common and responsible for 15% of stroke cases. Bleeding can also occur on the brain’s surface, more precisely between the brain and the meninges, known as subarachnoid hemorrhage. This type of stroke is not shared. However, hemorrhagic stroke CAN KILL more often than ischemic strokes.
Causes of a stroke and common bleeding
A hemorrhagic stroke is commonly caused by high blood pressure and, in general, is caused by the rupture of the arterial walls can cause an aneurysm or uncontrolled hypertension.
Other causes of hemorrhagic stroke include:
- Inflammation in blood vessels can occur because of syphilis, Lyme disease, tuberculosis, and vasculitis.
- Disorders of blood clotting such as hemophilia.
- Injuries to the head or neck resulting in damage to the blood vessels.
- Radiation treatment for cancer in the neck or brain.
- Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (a degenerative disease of blood vessels)
- Atherosclerosis
- Arrhythmias
- Diseases of the heart valves, such as mitral valve prolapse or heart valve stenosis.
- Endocarditis.
- Patent oval hole, which is a congenital heart defect
- Blood coagulation disorders
- Vasculitis (inflammation of blood vessels)
- Heart failure
- Acute myocardial infarction.
- AVC: neurological problems can be caused by hypertension and diabetes.
Risk factor’s
- The risk factors for a hemorrhagic stroke that can be treated or changed are hypertension, atrial fibrillation, diabetes, smoking, high cholesterol, excessive alcohol consumption, overweight and obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle.
The risk factors that can not be changed are:
- Age: the risk of stroke increases with age
- According to sex: stroke is more common among men under 75 years of age, and after 75, it becomes more common in women. This is because, in general, women live longer, increasing the risk over the years.
- Family history: the risk of stroke is more significant if the parents or siblings had a stroke and there is a history of a stroke.
Symptoms of hemorrhagic stroke
As with ischemic stroke, the symptoms of a hemorrhagic stroke are characterized by a sudden neurological loss, such as:
- Extreme headaches, almost unbearable, without a history of significant headaches.
- The loss of strength on one side of the body.
- To a greater or lesser degree, sudden paralysis of one side of the body, usually in the arm or leg. When the paralysis is partial, it is called paralysis. If the stroke patient is completely paralyzed on one side, he is hemiplegic.
- If a hemorrhagic stroke occurs in the dominant hemisphere, which in most of the population is on the left, the problem of language is a very early symptom. The person has difficulty speaking, unable to articulate the word (do not move the mouth), or has to resort to preparing the words.
- Visual changes include the loss of part or all of the visual field.
- Symptoms such as numbness in the face, hands, and legs.
- In some cases, episodes of drowsiness or coma may occur.