Gilbert’s Pityriasis Rosea: What is it? Causes, Symptoms, Stages, Atypical Forms, Diagnosis and Treatment

It is a skin condition that first appears as a rash all over the body.

Doctors and dermatologists say that understanding the different stages of pityriasis rosea can better prepare people to cope with its symptoms.

The pityriasis rosea rash eventually takes on a distinctive appearance and shape in its later stages.

The redness and rash usually affect people between 10 and 30.

It is confused because the symptoms can appear in the same way as other very similar skin conditions.

For example, pityriasis rosea can be confused with eczema, psoriasis, a reaction to a specific medication, folliculitis (the infection and inflammation of one or more hair follicles), pityriasis rubra pilaris (a rare disorder that has the potential to cover all the body).

As well as pityriasis lichenoides chronica, a rash that presents with small pimple-like bumps.


Causes of pityriasis rosea Gilbert

The exact pathogen is unknown.

The most widely held view is that the causative agent is a virus, such as human herpesviruses 6 (HHV-6) and 7 (HHV-7).

Although it is not contagious, many outbreaks appear as epidemics in small communities.

Symptoms of pityriasis rosea Gilbert

The existence of everything begins with a large, pinkish-yellowish, scaly spot called the mother spot.

After exfoliating the scales, a ring forms that surround the central brownish-yellow the spots.

In some patients, up to 25% of severe itching occurs; about half of the patients, it is easy, and a quarter of patients do not itch.

Approximately 80% of patients have a plaque in the form of bright spots, oval in shape, with 2 to 5 cm diameter.

In rare cases, multiple primary lesions localized on different body parts erupt.

The central part of the point is the peeling of the skin, and the scales form a distinctive collar around the plate.

A pink bezel without peeling is marked on the periphery of the stain.

Secondary scaly lesions are observed in the form of oval spots of red or dark pink color, in most cases located in Langer’s lines and resembling the branches of a Christmas tree.

Most commonly, the spots are marked on the trunk and extremities.

In sporadic cases, rashes appear on the face and neck.

The rash covers the arms, legs, and trunk and spreads rapidly; the large patches begin to gather together and may release clear fluids or leak pus.

Recovery occurs independently in 6 to 12 weeks.

In sporadic cases, the disease can last longer, up to several months and years, and a relapse is extremely rare.

Stages of pityriasis rosea Gilbert

Not all skin ailments have different stages, but pityriasis rosea does, which often helps patients understand their condition.

Preliminary stage

The patient may feel unwell a few days before the rash appears on the skin.

Belly pain or indigestion can be a factor, fever, moderate headache, loss of appetite, and joint pain.

These symptoms disappear as the rash begins to appear.

Herald patch stage

At this stage, a large pink or salmon-colored patch appears on the chest, neck, or back.

It will likely start oval and grow over several days.

For many people, it takes the form of a Christmas tree.

Eruption stage

After the herald patch is introduced, there is a rash stage.

It may appear a few days or weeks after the Christmas tree herald or patch appears.

The rash can last up to several weeks.

The rash is usually slight, raised, scaly patches about 0.5 to 1.5 centimeters long.

They can be on the back, chest, neck, arms, and upper thighs, but they do not usually appear on the face.

Fair-skinned people experience pinkish or reddish spots, while darker-skinned people can get dark brown or gray patches.

While some of the symptoms of pityriasis rosea mentioned above sound alarming, the good news is that the rash does not leave scars.

Pityriasis is not painful, but it can be not very pleasant.

Atypical forms of pityriasis rosea Gilbert

Atypical forms include forms with the absence of the primary plaques, with lesions on the face and neck, which is called irritated pityriasis rosea, caused by friction, pressure, sweating, incorrect treatment, and is characterized by severe itching, and erythema of the multiform type.

In sporadic cases, possible eruptions are in the form of vesicles, hemorrhages, and pustules.

Pityriasis rosea must be distinguished from secondary syphilis, drug toxicoderma, parapsoriasis, guttate psoriasis, chronic erythema, also called Lyme disease, fungal infections of the smooth skin, erythema multiforme.

Diagnosis of pityriasis rosea Gilbert

The diagnosis is based on characteristic symptoms.

When it comes to diagnosing a person with this skin problem, the first step a doctor will take is a visual examination.

Simple questions will be asked, such as how long the symptoms have existed.

In some cases, a patient will be referred to a dermatologist who will be able to examine all types of skin conditions closely.

If the problem is not apparent, tests such as blood samples can be performed in terms of differential diagnosis serology for syphilis is recommended.

I was scraping a small skin area to look for fungus or a biopsy to examine the tissue.

In more than 12 weeks of disease duration, a skin biopsy is recommended to exclude parapsoriasis.

Treatment of pityriasis rosea Gilbert

There is no special treatment for pityriasis rosea Gilbert, as the disease usually goes away.

During the first secondary eruptions, friction and pressure elements are not recommended to avoid the appearance of irritated forms of pityriasis rosea.

The opinion that showering and bathing contribute to the development of the disease and the appearance of irritated forms is not justified; only strong friction with towels or sponges during bathing should be avoided.

For severe itching, topical antihistamines such as hydrocortisone, mometasone, or triamcinolone are recommended to help relieve it.

These can be applied 2 to 3 times a day for a maximum of 3 weeks to minimize the risks of side effects.

Topical lotions with menthol or calamine are also recommended as they have less risk of causing side effects than corticosteroids.

Studies show that taking high doses of erythromycin, acyclovir, and ultraviolet irradiation in the early days of the disease leads to a faster disease course and prevents complications.

Other treatments are:

  • A hypoallergenic diet.
  • Aqueous suspension of Tindol.
  • Restricting cosmetic products applied to the body.
  • Not wearing wool or synthetic underwear.

Appearance, recurrence, and complications of pityriasis rosea Gilbert

Pityriasis rosea occurs in about one in 50 people who see a dermatologist.

Although it tends to appear in people ages 10 to 30, there have been cases where babies as young as ten months of age and older people have experienced this skin condition.

Pityriasis rosea has a higher incidence in women than in men.

Recurrence of pityriasis rosea is rare.

Some people may notice that the pale marks remain for a few months. However, they eventually disappear, and the skin returns to normal.

Complications of pityriasis rosea can occur during pregnancy.

Research shows that it can cause miscarriage in eight out of 61 women.

Reports suggest that preterm labor has also occurred in some women with this skin condition.

Pityriasis rosea can lead to drug hypersensitivity syndrome. A doctor should be visited if pityriasis rosea is suspected and the itching is overwhelming.

Consultation with a doctor should also be considered if symptoms last longer than five months.