Psoriatic Arthritis: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

This type of arthritis is a disease that produces inflammation in the joints.

This causes the joints to cause pain, stiffness and generally swell. Usually, only people who are affected by a skin disease called psoriasis are also affected by psoriatic arthritis . Statistics show that out of every 10 people with psoriasis, one develops this type of arthritis.

What are the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis?

Psoriatic arthritis can affect any joint in the body and symptoms may vary depending on the person. It can develop slowly with mild symptoms, or disappear quickly, which can probably be more serious. The most common symptoms are:

  • Rigidity in one or more joints accompanied by swelling
  • Rigidity and pain in the buttocks, neck and especially the back that causes inflammation of the spine.
  • It causes pain in the tendons, in the part of the soles of the feet or heels (thanks to the tendons that are the strings that allow the union of the bones with the most strengthened muscles.
  • Changes in the nails, such as thickening and redness of the eyes.

What causes this type of arthritis?

The cause of psoriatic arthritis is not well understood . This disease is related to genetics, environmental factors, weakness in the immune system. There is a gene that is called HLA-B27, this gene is related to this terrible arthritis that causes severe pain in the spine because it is inflamed. Although this gene is not something new either, many people have it and do not suffer from this disease.

This disease can be controlled with a treatment that is appropriate for each particular case, always under the supervision of a specialist, generally people with psoriatic arthritis can carry out an active and full life, this arthritis varies a lot and the cases are not Similar.


The treatment of psoriatic arthritis can relieve pain, reduce inflammation, help keep joints in good working order and possibly prevent further damage to the joints. Doctors recommend treatments based on the type of psoriatic arthritis, depending on its severity and its reaction to treatment.

Early diagnosis and treatment can help delay the disease and preserve joint function and range of motion. Some early indicators of severe disease include the appearance at an early age, with many joints involved. Good control of skin disease can be valuable in the treatment of psoriatic arthritis.