It is a phenomenon that all women know.
Several million women are going through this situation. Most have experienced premenopausal syndrome, a set of symptoms experienced by women ten to twenty years before menopause.
Years before menopause arrives, women may begin to experience various symptoms that make them understand that their ovaries are failing.
Premenopausal women experience a wide range of symptoms – headaches, joint pains, hot flushes, and sleep disorders.
Since women experience many symptoms over several years, it is virtually impossible to compose a complete list of the potential symptoms of premenopausal women, but many women experience specific common symptoms.
What do they feel?
Many premenopausal women experience hot flashes, which usually begin on the face or upper chest and then spread to other body parts before disappearing a few minutes later.
These can occur spontaneously, without apparent cause, or be induced by emotional stress.
Sudden onset of heat, redness and sweating can occur anytime. However, hot flashes tend to occur more frequently at night. They vary in intensity. Several women experience only mild heat.
Gynecological symptoms.
Decreasing a woman’s estrogen levels often makes her menstrual cycles erratic.
Women with this condition bleed significantly more than usual; some women experience milder menstrual cycles.
It is not surprising that women are less fertile as they approach menopause. Women with fibroid tumors or endometriosis may notice worsening of related symptoms in these circumstances.
Vaginal lubrication may decrease as estrogen levels drop, causing vaginal itching, irritation, or pain during intercourse. Women may also notice reduced sexual desire and chest pain.
Neurological and emotional symptoms.
Some premenopausal women have difficulty concentrating or losing their ability to remember: irritability, anxiety, or depression. Migraines during the menstrual cycle can occur due to changes in frequency or strength.
Keeping a daily log of headaches for a few months can help doctors diagnose these migraines related to menstrual cycles.
Disorders of falling asleep can have a characteristic impact on some women. While hot flashes during the night can undoubtedly disturb sleep, many women report having trouble sleeping, even in the absence of hot flashes.
What are the hormonal causes of premenopause?
In a fascinating biological process, the woman’s reproductive cycle relies on a delicate balance of hormones, such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.
Since they significantly influence vital bodily functions, any abnormal change in their levels will produce discomfort in women, especially around their menstrual cycles, when hormone levels become unstable.
Such reported discomforts are what women know as premenstrual syndrome.
It is usual for hormonal changes to be confused and cause discomfort. Fortunately, with some information about how hormones work in their bodies, they will have confidence in the changes that occur within their bodies each month.
Is there any treatment to relieve the symptoms?
Yes, lifestyle changes.
For premenopausal women who prefer to treat their symptoms in the most natural way possible, lifestyle changes are a great way to start.
By relieving stress on the body, they improve overall health and well-being. For example, lifestyle changes in premenopause may include the following:
- Get enough sleep (at least 7 hours).
- Exercise regularly
- Give up smoking.
- Reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption.
- Drink plenty of water daily.
These lifestyle changes can significantly change the frequency and severity of premenopausal symptoms.