Hemorrhoids are dilated vascular tissue in the rectum and lower anus. The opening at the end of your large intestine through which the stool leaves your body.
They all have hemorrhoids. However, they do not cause problems unless they swell. Swollen hemorrhoids can cause itching and pain around the anus, making bowel movements uncomfortable.
Internal hemorrhoids are comparatively much more manageable and usually have no symptoms. The only sign that one can experience is bleeding when defecating. Pain is insignificant and much more bearable than external hemorrhoids.
One can not even feel them in the examination since they are deeply rooted, but since they are silent, it is essential to make them examine and rule out other possible causes.
Internal hemorrhoids can appear on the head and become aggressive if they contract to the anus, which causes itching, pain, and burning. They can hurt in case of an injury in the anus due to chronic constipation.
Internal hemorrhoids usually do not need treatment, but one may need medical help when symptoms appear. Treating internal hemorrhoids is much easier than managing external hemorrhoids.
It would help if you had a sharp mind and knew your body well to avoid additional complications. Increased abdominal pressure is the most common cause of either internal or external hemorrhoids.
Obesity, pregnancy, and prolonged sitting work are some of the triggers that can worsen internal hemorrhoids.
Other causes include straining in the stool due to chronic constipation, which is the most common cause of aggravating internal hemorrhoids and turning them into external hemorrhoids over some time.
Inflammatory bowel disease and rectal cancer are other underlying pathological causes that make hemorrhoids more challenging to cure.
Dealing with internal hemorrhoids can be a big task at times.
However, there are always conditions applied to homeopathic treatment in hemorrhoids. Medications and their diet and lifestyle play a crucial role in a successful recovery.
Addressing the underlying cause is the first step of dealing with it. Some of the following helpful tips will help the treatment:
- Eat Healthily.
- Be sure to choose fresh, nutritious, and healthy foods.
- Avoid eating junk food and fat.
- Fiber is good for chronic constipation, so it helps the healing of hemorrhoids.
Include high-fiber foods in your diets, such as carrots, salads, fresh fruits, and vegetables, which help create fiber, add bulk to food formation, and relieve constipation risks.
Get used to drinking plenty of healthy liquids throughout the day, regardless of the weather. A minimum of 2 to 2.5 liters of water is an ideal and adequate amount of water your body needs.
Coconut water, buttermilk, soups, barley water, and other healthy liquids contribute to your body’s nutritional needs and the proper functioning of your digestive system.
Avoid eating spicy foods and heavy meals, particularly during the night (after 7 pm). Strictly avoid eating red meat, chicken, and spices at dinner. Go light at dinner for a healthy bowel.
Do good exercise and be physically active. Otherwise, you will have a slow bowel, and complications will follow. Being physically active gives you an initial kick for the day and maintains your intestinal health.
Avoid sedentary habits. Hemorrhoids are commonly observed among people who have seated jobs. As a general rule, you should disconnect from work after each hour, stretch, drink water, and take a walk.
This will help prevent the development of centripetal obesity, reduce the pressure on the rectum, and avoid the tendency to hemorrhoids.
Most importantly, the position that you poop is crucial. Those who suffer from chronic hemorrhoids should avoid the use of Indian toilets. The Western toilet seat is more beneficial as it prevents excessive pressure on the lower abdomen. Also, avoid spending unnecessary time in bathrooms.
Apple cider vinegar is known for its healing properties. Therefore, be sure to have a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with a glass of water every day on an empty stomach.
Hemorrhoids can be very annoying if not addressed within time. One stitch in time saves nine, so be alert about your body and consult your doctor if you experience any symptoms.
Following a healthy lifestyle and diet in your busy schedule will help you enjoy a healthy life and avoid contact with any disease.
What are the symptoms?
Thrombosed hemorrhoids can be very painful. It may hurt walking, sitting, or going to the bathroom if you have one.
Other symptoms of hemorrhoids include:
- Itching around your anus.
- Bleeding when you have a bowel movement
- Swelling or a lump around your anus
If you have a fever and pain and swelling, you may have an area of infection called an abscess.
You can get hemorrhoids due to increased pressure in the veins of your rectum. The causes of this pressure include:
- Strive while evacuating, especially if you are constipated.
- Diarrhea.
- Irregular bowel movements
- Pregnancy, by the force of the baby that presses the veins or pushes during childbirth.
- Sitting for an extended period, such as during a long trip by car, train, or plane.
Doctors do not know why some people develop blood clots in their hemorrhoids.
What are the Risks?
Hemorrhoids are prevalent. Approximately three out of four people will get at least one. You are more likely to have hemorrhoids if:
- They are constipated because they do not get enough fiber in their diet or because of a medical condition.
- They are pregnant.
- They often sit for long periods.
- They are older because aging can weaken the tissues that keep hemorrhoids in place.
Internal Hemorrhoids First through Fourth Grade
- A first-degree internal hemorrhoid swells in the anal canal during bowel movements.
- A second-degree internal hemorrhoid protrudes from the anus during bowel movements, then returns inside by itself.
- Third-degree hemorrhoid protrudes from the anus during bowel movements and must be reintroduced with a finger.
- Fourth-degree hemorrhoid protrudes from the anus all the time.
How is it diagnosed?
Consult your doctor if you have pain or itching around the anus or if you bleed when you evacuate. You must see your doctor because bleeding can signify cancer in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history. A gloved and lubricated finger can be inserted into the rectum to detect any lumps or growth during the exam. This is called a digital rectal exam.
If you have signs or are at risk for colon cancer, you may need one of these tests to look more deeply into your colon.
Sigmoidoscopy: The doctor inserts a thin, flexible endoscope with a camera on one end to see the lower part of your colon. The scope allows your doctor to look for precancerous growths called polyps and other changes in your colon.
Colonoscopy: The doctor uses an endoscope to see the entire length of your colon.
The primary treatment for a thrombosed hemorrhoid is an external thrombectomy that makes a small cut in the clot and drains it. You will receive local anesthesia to prevent you from feeling pain.
This procedure works best if you have it within three days after the appearance of hemorrhoid. It works quickly, but the clots can reappear. You may still have pain after surgery.
You may be able to relieve the discomfort of hemorrhoids with some simple homemade measures:
- Apply an over-the-counter hemorrhoid cream or ointment, such as Preparation H. You can also try a witch hazel wipe, such as Tucks.
- Take over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB).
- Sit in a warm bath for 10 to 15 minutes, two or three times a day. You can use a sitz bath, a small plastic bathtub that only dips your buttocks in a few inches of warm water. After your bath, gently touch, do not rub, and the area dry.
- Apply an ice pack or cold pack to the site.
Surgery for Hemorrhoids
Less than 10 percent of people with hemorrhoids will need surgery. You may need surgery if your hemorrhoid is vast or if you have internal and external hemorrhoids.
Types of Hemorrhoid Surgery Include:
Ligature with an elastic band: the doctor places a small elastic band at the base of the hemorrhoid. In a few weeks, hemorrhoids should be reduced.
Hemorrhoidectomy: This procedure removes hemorrhoids and the clot and blood vessels. You may have a spinal block, which numbs the area of the surgery, or you may be asleep under general anesthesia during this procedure.
This procedure is more invasive and takes longer to perform than an external thrombectomy, but the hemorrhoid is less likely to reappear. It usually only applies to more severe hemorrhoids because it causes much more pain.
Side effects of this surgery include pain, urinary tract infections, and problems emptying the bladder.
Stapled hemorrhoidopexy: This procedure is done while you sleep under general anesthesia. The surgeon uses a stapling instrument to place the hemorrhoids in place and keep them there.
How Long Does Recovery Delay?
The pain of thrombosed hemorrhoids should improve within 7 to 10 days without surgery. Chronic hemorrhoids should be reduced in a week. It may take a couple of weeks for the tumor to disappear completely.
You should be able to resume most activities immediately. While you are healing, avoid intense exercise and other strenuous activities.
Hemorrhoids can come back. Hemorrhoidectomy surgery reduces the likelihood that they will return.
What are the Complications?
Thrombosed hemorrhoids usually do not cause complications. However, they can be very painful and can bleed.
What is the Perspective?
Sometimes, your body will absorb the clot of a thrombosed hemorrhoid, and the hemorrhoid will improve on its own within a week or two. If you have surgery within three days after the onset of thrombosed bleeding, you can relieve pain and other symptoms.
How Are Hemorrhoids Prevented?
To prevent hemorrhoids in the future:
- Get more fiber in your fruits, vegetables, and whole grains as bran. The yarn softens the stool and facilitates the passage. Try to get 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day.
- Drink about eight glasses of water a day: This will prevent constipation and the effort that hemorrhoids cause.
- Exercise regularly: Keeping your body in motion will keep your bowels moving.
- Spend time each day to go to the bathroom: Staying regularly can help prevent constipation and hemorrhoids. If you have to defecate, do not hold it. Stools may begin to recede, forcing him to tense up when he leaves.
Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anus and rectum. The common symptoms of hemorrhoids can include pain, itching, and rectal bleeding.
They can develop inside or outside the anus and rectum, called internal and external hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids are a widespread problem. It is estimated that 75 percent of Americans experience them at some time. While they usually disappear in a few weeks on their own, they can cause mild to severe discomfort.
To make them more tolerable, you can use home remedies to treat them.
Hazel Hazel
Witch hazel can reduce itching and pain, two main symptoms of hemorrhoids. It is a natural anti-inflammatory, so it could also reduce swelling.
Witch hazel can be purchased in liquid form and applied directly to hemorrhoids. It can also be found in products such as wipes and antipruritic soaps.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera gel can be found in products bought in pharmacies. It can also be harvested directly from the inside of the leaves of an aloe plant.
However, it would help if you only used pure aloe vera gel in hemorrhoids. Some people are allergic to aloe vera, particularly those allergic to garlic or onions.
Check for an allergic reaction by rubbing a dime-sized amount on your forearm. Wait 24 to 48 hours. If no response occurs, it should be safe to use.
Hot Bath with Epsom Salt
Warm baths can help soothe the irritation caused by hemorrhoids. You can use a sitz bath, a small plastic bathtub that fits over a toilet seat, or take a full-body bath in the tub.
Taking a warm bath for 20 minutes after each bowel movement will be more effective. Adding Epsom salts to the bathroom can provide excellent relief by reducing pain.
Ointments and creams, like Preparation H, can be found in almost all pharmacies and can offer immediate relief. Some may even reduce swelling and help your hemorrhoid heal faster.
Using toilet paper after defecating can aggravate existing hemorrhoids. In contrast, wipes can help keep you clean without causing further irritation.
You can find wipes with soothing and anti-hemorrhoid ingredients such as witch hazel or aloe vera. Ensure the wipes you choose do not contain alcohol, perfume, or other irritants. These substances can aggravate the symptoms instead of relieving them.
Cold compresses
Apply ice packs or cold compresses to the anus to relieve swelling for 15 minutes at a time. For large and painful hemorrhoids, this can be an extremely effective treatment. Always wrap the ice inside a cloth or paper towel, and never apply something frozen directly on the skin.
Stool softeners
Stool softeners or fiber supplements can help reduce constipation, soften stools and facilitate rapid and painless bowel movements. Many of these supplements come in powders, capsules, and liquids that you take orally between one and three times a day.
Loose Cotton Clothing
Clothing made of ultra-breathable cotton (especially cotton underwear) can help keep the anal area clean and dry. This can reduce the symptoms. Avoid the use of scented detergents or fabric softeners to reduce irritation.
When to see your doctor
Hemorrhoids are usually easy to treat and clear up on their own. In sporadic cases, hemorrhoids can cause complications.
The chronic loss of blood from hemorrhoids can cause anemia and a shortage of red blood cells. Internal hemorrhoids can also have your blood supply cut off, resulting in strangulated hemorrhoids, which can cause extreme pain.
If the home treatments have not been effective after more than two weeks, make an appointment to see your doctor. Your primary care doctor can diagnose and treat hemorrhoids. They can write recipes for creams, ointments, and medicated suppositories.