It is a condition in which the amount of red blood cells in the blood is low.
For this reason, doctors sometimes describe someone with anemia as having a low blood count. A person who has anemia is called an anemic.
The blood is composed of a liquid called plasma and another cellular part. One of the most important and numerous cell types is red blood cells.
The other types of cells are platelets and white blood cells. Only red blood cells are discussed in this article. The goal of red blood cells is to deliver oxygen from the lungs to various body parts.
Anemia is the most common blood condition in the United States. It affects around 3.5 million Americans. Women, young children, and people with chronic diseases have an increased risk of anemia.
Specific forms of anemia are hereditary, and babies can be affected from the moment of birth.
There are many types of anemia, different in their treatment and cause. Iron deficiency anemia, the most common type, is highly treatable with diet and iron supplement changes.
Some forms of anemia, such as mild anemia that develops during pregnancy, are considered normal. However, some types of anemia can have lifelong health problems.
What is hypochromic anemia?
Definition: Hypochromic anemia is a term used to describe a particular type of anemia characterized by paler red blood corpuscles.
Under normal conditions, the red blood cells are bright red, and the color is attributed to hemoglobin in the blood. When the hemoglobin concentration in the blood is reduced or the red blood cells are smaller, they can cause hypochromic anemia.
Hemoglobin is an essential constituent of red blood cells. Hemoglobin comprises heme and globin molecules. Hemo molecules are responsible for the red pigment in red blood cells, which gives the blood its characteristic color.
An inadequate concentration of hemoglobin in blood cells or a lower concentration of red blood cells in the blood can cause the typical condition called hypochromic anemia.
What causes hypochromic anemia?
Hypochromic anemia is also known as green disease, which was attributed to the greenish pallor of the skin due to the lack of hemoglobin.
The most common causes associated with hypochromic anemia include thalassemia and iron deficiency anemia. However, some of the other reasons related to this condition include:
- Vitamin B6 deficiency is responsible for low iron intake or related to reduced mineral absorption.
- Infectious diseases or parasitic infestations such as hookworms can also cause hypochromic anemia.
- Certain prescription medications are also responsible for causing hypochromic anemia.
- Lead poisoning is another major cause of hypochromic anemia.
- Stomach ulcers or hemorrhages caused by hemorrhoids are another cause of this condition.
- Congenital developmental disorders are also responsible for hypochromic anemia.
Some of the common symptoms associated with hypochromic anemia include:
- Weakness and generalized fatigue are common symptoms associated with this condition—lack of oxygen results in fatigue. In addition, the state may also be associated with sleep disorders that can further amplify the weakness.
- The skin often looks pale, and the nails become brittle and white.
- The heart rate increases to more than 100 beats per minute. This condition is also known as tachycardia.
- Clinical depression is observed in some individuals associated with the disease.
- The inability to concentrate with frequent headaches is a characteristic symptom.
- Pica is commonly observed in individuals with hypochromic anemia. Pica is characterized by the extreme longing to ingest non-food items such as dirt, paper, and paint. Pica is often seen as a guiding sign of iron deficiency in the body.
- Menstrual irregularities, frequent infections, and cold hands and feet are other common symptoms associated with hypochromic anemia.
- Pain in the mouth, constipation, etc. It can also be observed in cases of severe hypochromic anemia.
Treatment of hypochromic anemia
The treatment of the condition depends on the factors that are responsible for the state:
- To treat iron deficiency anemia, incorporate foods such as low-fat milk and other dairy products, green leafy vegetables, etc., into your diet. These foods are rich in vitamin B6 and iron.
- Increase the intake of dietary fiber. Increase the consumption of fresh fruits and fresh vegetables. Oats, whole wheat, and brown rice, among others, are considered beneficial. This helps reduce constipation and improve intestinal absorption of iron.
- The homeopathic remedy Cina is deemed beneficial in treating intestinal parasites and worms responsible for hypochromic anemia. It is believed that Ferrrum Met and Ferrum Phos stimulate the bone marrow and improve the production of healthy red blood cells.
- Avoid caffeine and nicotine; these interfere with iron absorption and produce iron deficiency anemia.