These conditions can be of particular concern because they can lead to pain and discomfort or even severe hearing impairment.
Early recognition of the symptoms of ear disease is essential for prompt and appropriate treatment and to prevent any complications that may arise as a result of a disease or condition.
Diseases and their causes, symptoms and treatments
1. Boils or abscesses
Definition and causes
A boil grows in the ear canal and is often caused by a bacterial infection. This infection usually begins due to a break or damage to the skin.
A boil is a small lump that can present:
- Pain.
- Itching.
- It can burst causing a discharge (pus or bloody discharge).
A boil usually resolves on its own. If not, antibiotics may be prescribed along with pain relievers. The doctor may also drain the abscess to relieve pain.
2. Swimmer’s ear
Definition and causes
Swimmer’s ear or otitis externa is a condition characterized by inflammation of the ear canal. This is usually caused by the accumulation of moisture in the ear canal which then causes irritation. If it gets worse, it could lead to an infection.
- Redness in the ear canal.
- Itching.
- Clear and odorless discharge.
As the condition worsens, so does the intensity and severity of symptoms. Swollen lymph nodes may be present, as well as fever.
Medications may be prescribed to treat infection and inflammation, and restore the normal environment of the ear.
3. Meniere’s disease
Definition and causes
The Meniere ‘s disease affects the inner ear and the vestibular system, which is the system that helps maintain balance.
In this disease, a part of the cochlea called the organ of Corti swells, leading to hearing loss that can come and go over time.
It can also cause severe dizziness, poor balance, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), ear pain, and pressure. The disease can exist in mild or severe forms.
The symptoms are:
- Giddiness .
- Tinnitus (ringing, hissing, hissing, buzzing, or roaring in the ear).
- Dizziness
- Sweating
- Palpitations
- Some degree of hearing loss can also be experienced.
Some symptoms of ear disease can only be treated, but the root cause may not be cured. This is the case with Meniere’s disease.
To help ease the discomfort of the disease, medications that fight motion sickness and nausea may be prescribed, along with diuretics.
Diet changes and stress management techniques may also be recommended.
4. Otomicosis
Definition and causes
Otomycosis is an infection of the external ear canal caused by a fungus.
- Inflammation.
- Itching.
- Scaly skin.
- Discomfort in the ear canal.
- A discharge may also be present.
Topical antifungals and oral antihistamines may be prescribed to kill fungi and relieve symptoms.
5. Tinnitus
Definition and causes
Tinnitus is usually characterized by a ringing in the ears, although the sound can also be a hiss, buzz, roar, or click.
- Unexplained sound in one or both ears that can be loud or soft.
The sound can be high for some people and low for others.
Tinnitus usually resolves on its own. However, difficult cases must be diagnosed by an otolaryngologist to determine the cause so that treatment can be prescribed.
Common treatments include sound therapy, TRT (tinnitus retraining therapy), and stress management.
6. Ear infection
Definition and causes
An ear infection is caused by bacteria that enter the ear through a tear in the skin or tissue.
- Chronic, stinky discharge that may be yellowish, greenish, or bloody.
- Pain.
- Redness
- Inflammation.
Ear infections are often treated with antibacterial medications that can be applied topically or by mouth. Treatment can be as short as a week for mild cases or longer for more severe cases.
7. Barotrauma
Definition and causes
Barotrauma is injury caused by a change in water or air pressure. This is usually experienced due to a sudden change in altitude, such as what happens when you are in an airplane, diving, or riding a mountain.
There may be sequence of these symptoms:
- A popping in the ears.
- Pain.
- Dizziness
- Hearing loss.
Yawning, chewing or swallowing is recommended to help relieve pressure. In some cases, decongestants may be prescribed.
8. Neuritis vestibular
Definition and causes
Vestibular neuritis is inflammation of the inner ear caused by a viral infection.
- Vertigo.
- Mild dizziness in some cases, usually accompanied by vomiting.
- Mild hearing loss
- Earache.
- Other symptoms similar to flu symptoms.
- Nystagmus: is a condition characterized by involuntary movement of the eyes (it can also be present).
The infection is treated with medicine until the symptoms disappear.
9. Presbycusis
Definition and causes
Presbycusis is a condition characterized by hearing loss as a result of aging. This usually occurs in people 65 years of age and older.
- Gradual loss of hearing, usually beginning with high-pitched sounds, such as chirping birds, telephone rings, women’s and children’s voices, others.
- Tinnitus.
- Difficulty hearing other people speak.
When there is already hearing loss, the doctor may recommend the use of hearing aids. If the hearing loss is mild and caused by loud noises, your doctor may recommend minimizing exposure to loud sounds and wearing protective gear.
10. Cholesteatoma
Definition and causes
Cholesteatoma is characterized by an abnormal growth of the skin in the middle ear. It is usually caused by a chronic infection.
- Growth of small bags and cysts in the inner ear, leading to hearing loss.
- Paralysis of the facial muscles and dizziness can occur, but only rarely (severe cases).
Any present infection is treated with antibiotics. A large or infected cholesteatoma can be removed surgically.
Recommendations to avoid ear pain and infection
- Avoid using cotton swabs to clean.
- Take care of throat infections.
- Strengthen the immune system.
- Avoid sharing headphones.
- Avoid swimming in ponds, lakes or rivers.
- Avoid submerging in pools with a lot of chlorine.
- Do not put foreign objects in the ears.
- Sleeping on your side to facilitate drainage.