Average Platelet Volume: What does it mean? Standard Range, Low Volume, High Volume, Results and Recommendations

The MPV (for its acronym in English) in the blood test refers to the size of platelets and is used as a marker of platelet functionality.

This blood test is done on a routine blood test, and the process is not complicated. Therefore, along with the estimated platelet volume, it is also possible to find important information from other blood components such as RBC and WBC.

Tests are often done to identify any abnormalities in your blood, and what is commonly done for this is a complete blood count test.

The complete blood count can tell you specific levels of blood components, one of which would be the average platelet volume or commonly referred to as the average platelet volume.

It is also essential to remember that there are two different platelets, the larger and smaller platelets, the first more coarse than the other.

What does it mean: low MPV and high MPV?

Platelets are a critical component of blood involved in the clotting process. Therefore, the average platelet volume allows us to see the average size of platelets in a person’s blood. This would show the relationship, production, and destruction of said platelets.

Knowing that the average platelet volume shows the average platelet size would allow us to see if the level is normal or abnormal for a given individual.

Standard blood test range of mean platelet volume

The average range should be from 7.5 FL to 11.5 FL. These values ​​mean that the platelets have a diameter of 2.65 to 2.8 microns.

Values ​​between 7 FL and 12.8 FL are also considered healthy.

The abbreviation “FL” means Femtoliter, which is the term for calculating platelets. There are also times when the Femtoliter can reach a higher rank.

Different laboratories use different techniques or machines, so the test result varies.

Therefore, it is recommended that each laboratory test result mention its normal range in the report of the clinical test result.

The variation of this range increases the risk of incidence of cardiovascular complications and heart failure.

What does a low mean platelet volume mean?

The total volume and activity of thrombocytes may decrease with a low mean platelet volume. In this case, the blood will clot more slowly than necessary.

There are specific times when a blood test level of the average platelet volume is too low. This connotes different causes, and it is good to know them so as not to panic:

It is a regular occurrence:  This fact applies particularly to women in the initial days of their menstruation. The low mean platelet volume is also seen in newborn babies.

Viral infections:  The low count of average platelet volume can also mean a viral infection. A specific example is AIDS. The best thing is to control it to know other underlying conditions.

Genetic disorders:  Patients with anemia are likely to experience a low amount of medium platelet volume. Other genetic diseases like leukemia and rheumatoid arthritis may also share the same result.

Intake of medications:  The information of specific drugs such as Heparin also constitutes a low blood count. Undergoing anticoagulant therapy can also be a reason.

Thrombocytosis: A person experiences excessive bleeding in the blood, and the clotting process is delayed. This diagnosis is directly related to the low level of MVP.

Blood cancer:  Some types of blood cancers, such as aplastic anemia, can be discovered if there is a loss of platelets at the same time as a low average platelet volume in the person.

Some medications that cause low mean platelet volume:

  • Drugs that show toxic effects in cells (such as chemotherapy drugs).
  • Drugs that directly kill thrombocytes.
  • Medications that damage the cells of the bone marrow are responsible for the production of thrombocytes named megakaryocytes.

What does a high average platelet volume mean?

The level of the average platelet volume can also increase due to its destruction and must also be attended to. There are numerous reasons behind this abnormal increase.

Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP):  A hemorrhagic disorder in which human platelets are destroyed.

Destruction of these platelets is considered normal for blood clotting, but if the individual has a low platelet count, ITP may have an undesired result.

Inflammatory bowel disease:  This condition is an acute inflammation of the digestive tract. An increase in average platelet volume can occur when diagnosed with this disease.

Bernard-Soulier syndrome:  The patient diagnosed with this syndrome has a hereditary platelet disorder in which giant platelets and qualitative platelets cause hemorrhage.

Mixomoproliferative diseases:  This disease focuses on a person’s bone marrow, where a patient’s blood count would automatically rise.

Diabetes:  The rise in mean platelet volume is expected in some types of diabetes.

Blood poisoning:  When the VPM is high but the platelet count is low, it may indicate that the adjacent platelets are undergoing degradation.

The poisoning of blood that the body develops as a reaction to inflammation can cause such an effect.

Other causes:

The following factors can also cause the height of the average platelet volume:

  • I have recently received surgical intervention.
  • Valvular heart diseases.
  • Loss of a lot of blood.
  • Deficiency of vitamin B12 or folate.

False MPV results in the blood test

Some circumstances can lead to an incorrect reading of the average platelet volume. This may be due to improper handling of the blood samples.

Mishandling of the blood during the test can lead to the destruction of the platelets, which gives a different result.

You must go to a laboratory known for its precision and proper handling. This precaution would save you time and the panic it can bring.

After collecting blood samples in the tube, if the sample coagulates before conducting the test, it may give a low platelet count.

Some quantities of platelets have already been used for the coagulation process. Therefore, the result obtained is false.

The possibility of error is infrequent.

Recommendations for having a regulated platelet level

Blood is often called “the lifeline of a human being.” It has so many functions that help our body and allows us to live healthily.

It transports the oxygen necessary to live and stores the nutrients to be a healthy person. It is transcendental that we ensure that it is in its best-operating state.

For this reason, it is always recommended to carry out periodic tests to make sure that there is no problem.

Blood platelets help us heal faster, so any abnormality must undergo treatment to achieve a more balanced and healthy lifestyle.

You must take care of yourself and make sure that your body does its best. You should make regular trips to the doctor to identify if your organs are functioning correctly. Tests can be done to ensure this.