It is a disease characterized by presenting a kind of unusual curvature in the area of the cornea.
Many diseases of the eyes do not usually alter the optic nerve structure. But the case of astigmatism is not like that.
Usually, this area of the cornea is spherical. Still, in the case of astigmatism, the disease, instead of being spherical, takes the form of a soccer ball, making it difficult to see distant or nearby objects.
According to some studies, people suffering from an eye-related disease have grown dramatically.
Many people are shortsighted in addition to being also myopic and even, but very isolated cases, hyperopic. However, astigmatism may also be the only refractive error these people suffer.
According to their studies in cases of many patients, the medical community has determined that astigmatism is an inherited eye disease; that is, it is congenital.
However, it can also be acquired; how? For example, when a person suffers an injury in the cornea area by accident, by application of some eye surgery, and by a particular disease.
There are certain myths about what causes astigmatism, which must be ruled out sharply. With the advent of technological devices, people spend hours visualizing them and believe that is a reason to develop this disease when the truth is that it is false.
Astigmatism is inherited or acquired due to injury, illness, or surgery on the cornea.
The symptoms of astigmatism can be very similar to other diseases that affect the eyes. In general, the person suffering from this disease experiences blurred vision due to the curving of the cornea. It also develops particular headaches that result in visual fatigue or the symptom of tired eyesight.
All these symptoms make the person constantly squint their eyes to have a better view of things.
However, as we said at the beginning, such symptoms could indicate other diseases. Therefore, as soon as a similar symptom picture is presented, it is advisable to go to the ophthalmologist.
Treatment for astigmatism
Astigmatism is treated in two ways. The first one is well known to all of us since it implies its correction through lenses or glasses previously recommended by an optometrist.
The second is more modern since it involves laser surgery (LASIK). However, it should be noted that laser surgery is recommended only in severe cases that could eventually trigger a corneal ulcer.
How can we correct astigmatism through laser surgery?
Medical science is taking giant steps in the field of technologies, developing devices that help not only diagnose disease more efficiently but also treat it to eradicate it permanently.
The field of optometry and ophthalmology are no exception. In the sun today, it is possible to efficiently treat injuries, congenital diseases, or accidents related to the eyes. Such is the case with the use of lasers. Let’s see.
To correct astigmatism through laser surgery, doctors must reshape the cornea to restore its sphericity; this is the ultimate function of this surgical intervention. However, astigmatism can be regular or irregular.
This last case can not be corrected with a LASIK treatment but with a PRK.
LASIK treatment of corneal astigmatism after a corneal transplant
We see the procedure, result, and conclusions of a series of studies done with patients who suffered astigmatism to whom a cornea transplant was applied.
Patients and method
This is a retrospective, non-comparative, monocentric study performed in a series of 14 grafted eyes.
The comparison factors studied before and after the operation was visual acuity, objective refraction, ocular tone, biomicroscopy, and videokeratography, determining the regularity or irregularity of astigmatism, corneal thickness, and patient subjective satisfaction.
Refractive stability was obtained within six months postoperatively for 93% of patients (13/14). The uncorrected mean visual acuity increased from 0.16 to 0.4; 14.3% of the patients (2/14) had retreatment without visible improvement.
Thirty-five percent of patients did not have a postoperative correction. The keratometry showed an apparent regression of astigmatism: 65% more than 5 D before the operation and 82% less than 2 D after the procedure. Only 14.3% of patients (2/14) said they were not satisfied.
No complications were identified in this study.
LASIK appears as an exciting option in treating residual astigmatism after corneal transplantation.