“Healthy Lifestyle” is a broad concept that includes the whole person and has many aspects.
Lifestyle aspects combine to influence individual health in all areas: physical, mental, spiritual, and social.
Lifestyles are a set of habits and behaviors to respond to day-to-day situations seized through the process of socialization and constantly reinterpreted and tested throughout life. A lifestyle is characterized by the choices that individuals make daily and their social opportunities. It is the usual game of actions that reflect individuals’ attitudes, values , and life opportunities.
Lifestyle includes work relationships, entertainment, and home and family.
A healthy lifestyle helps keep the body in shape and the mind alert. It helps to protect us from the disease and helps prevent chronic diseases. This is important because as the body ages, it notices changes in the muscles and joints and decreases the physical aspect of the “strength.” A healthy lifestyle in the physical element includes preventive health, good nutrition, weight control, recreation, regular exercise, and avoiding substances harmful to the body.
Good healthy lifestyles should be developed as soon as possible in your life – the younger you are, the better; These habits must be maintained during adulthood and old age. Alterable lifestyle factors are the cause of 50% of deaths (among the top 10 reasons), including:
- Heart disease
- Cancer
- Stroke
- Chronic lung disease, among others.
Nutrition and Weight Control
Obesity is the cause of most deaths (high mortality rate) and is a dreadful disease. Obesity increases mortality through:
- Hypertension
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- More than 80% of deaths attributable to obesity have occurred in people with a body mass index of 30 or more.
Increase in morbidity:
- Gallstones
- Osteoarthritis
To prevent obesity, it is necessary to eat 3 or 4 foods rich in balanced fats, with many fibers each day. Enough calcium intake – calcium and exercise help prevent osteoporosis. If you live alone, try to feed yourself at a community restaurant, where you can socially talk to other people – this way, you can be contributing to your mental balance.
Each time you eat more than necessary, your body will store excess in the form of fat. A good diet is essential to cope with cardiovascular disease, but it can also decrease the risk of several types of cancer.
Eat various fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, and legumes, including 3-5 servings of vegetables and 2-4 servings of fruit per day. They can be fresh, frozen, dried, or candied.
Control fat intake
Avoid obesity by improving your eating habits and participation in regular physical activity, limiting alcohol consumption, or avoiding it. If you feel the need, consult your doctor for specific advice on your case.
Physical activity
The body needs regular (but not strenuous) physical activity. There is no sense in doing excessive exercise. Consequently, if you have back pain or an injury for a long time, it is good to perform the physical activity exercises gradually to increase your intensity. Older people should walk at least 1,500 meters per day or do other types of exercise if you prefer. Also, in the groups of older adults, the most recommendable practices are soft aerobics and even swimming and dancing. You are never too old to start a regular physical activity!
Suggestions for the Exercise
– To start your activity more safely, consult a doctor and physical education teacher.
– Choose activities that you enjoy.
– Select schedules compatible with your lifestyle.
– In the first months, achieve goals such as pleasure, success in carrying out activities, personal satisfaction, etc.
– Incorporate physical activity into your daily life: walking, climbing stairs, practicing more sports, etc.
– If possible, select the activities that can be done with your friends and family.
Avoid substances that harm your health.
Smoking and drinking are very responsible factors in the occurrence of diseases of the lungs, heart and circulation, cancer, car accidents, accidents, and mental disorders. Drugs can lead people to dependencies, ultimately leading to the person’s physical and psychological deterioration.
Mental Exercise
Keep the brain active as much as your body. Activities that involve helping people (social work) can give meaning to life and help to confront loneliness and combat depression. Participation in beliefs (religion) could be beneficial in the prevention of diseases.
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